Pascal Hilkens Astro Home Page
Saturday, October 28, 2017
My Boarding Pass to Mars
I just signed up for a trip to Mars. When the Mars Lander InSight (Interior Explorations using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport) in November 2018 will land on Mars; it will carry hundreds of thousands of names on a small silicon microchip, including my name :)
The InSight mission will seek to understand the evolutionary formation of rocky planets, including Earth, by investigating the interior structure and processes of Mars. InSight will also investigate the dynamics of Martian tectonic activity and meteorite impacts, which could offer clues about such phenomena on Earth.
Do you want to be onboard? See this NASA link.
Saturday, October 21, 2017
Meteor Shower tomorrow morning - Orionids
Earth will enter the stream of debris from Halley's Comet which will be seen as meteors. Best moment to observe these "fireballs" is tomorrow morning October 22. Scientist predict about 20 meteors per hour. I looks like these meteors appear from the constellation Orion, for that these meteors are called Orionids.
Saturday, October 14, 2017
Geslaagde Nacht van de Duisternis
Vanaf 19h00 stond een enthousiaste delegatie van Helios klaar in Langdorp ter hoogte van het Wolfs café. De Helios delegatie bestond uit 6 leden (Bart, Dany, Hans, Pascal, Patrick en Walter) en zij zorgden voor de opstelling van 5 kijkers. Heel wat kijklustigen en geïnteresseerde bezoekers kwamen langs en een ieder gaf zijn uitleg en toelichting. De open hemel zorgde ervoor dat er wel degelijk naar de sterren en planeten kon worden gekeken. In de vroege vooravond was Saturnus nog zichtbaar en is dus een klepper van formaat. Daarna werden andere (dubbel) sterren en objecten (M13, M27, M31, M45, M57, ..) getoond die menig bezoeker kon appreciëren.
In totaal mochten we 40 bezoekers ontvangen. Later kwam de mist opzetten zodat het tijd werd om op te ruimen en er ook wat tijd was om bij te praten. Tegen 23h00 sloten we af en keerde iedereen tevreden huiswaarts.
Nog een woordje van dank aan alle aanwezigen alsook ook aan Dany, onze logistieke drijfkracht die voor warme drank en versnapering zorgde.
Friday, October 13, 2017
Nacht van de Duisternis
Weersvoorspellingen zijn gunstig voor zaterdag 14 oktober, de nacht van de duisternis. Helios zal aanwezig zijn vanaf 19h in Langdorp thv Wolfscafé.
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
14 Oktober Nacht van de Duisternis
Sterrenvereniging Helios zal aanwezig zijn op zaterdag 14 oktober te Langdorp vanaf 19h ter hoogte van het Wolfcafé. Iedereen is welkom en de leden zullen een woordje uitleg geven over de wondere wereld van sterren en planeten.
Monday, October 9, 2017
Spotless Sun
Since yesterday we have again a spotless sundisk. This year we already counted 50 days without a sunspot.
Sunday, October 8, 2017
2018 Solar Probes
Both ESA as NASA will be launching their solar probes next year 2018.
ESA's Solar Orbiter will be launched October 2018 and will orbit the Sun on a distance of 0.28AU closest.
Parker Solar Probe from NASA will be launched in August next year and will be travelling into the Sun's atmosphere as close as 0.04AU.
Eugne Parker is an American astrophysicist who developed the theory that the sun's atmosphere expands beyond the sun itself and the fact it's plasma is travelling between the planets. Today we know this as the solar wind.
ESA's Solar Orbiter will be launched October 2018 and will orbit the Sun on a distance of 0.28AU closest.
Parker Solar Probe from NASA will be launched in August next year and will be travelling into the Sun's atmosphere as close as 0.04AU.
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Eugene Parker visiting Parker Solar Probe at APL |
Saturday, October 7, 2017
Friday, October 6, 2017
Emergent Gravity by Vonk in Maastricht University
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Lieven and myself in front of Maastricht University |
On October 4th, Lieven and myself both members from Helios Astronomy club attended a lecture on Emergent Gravity and Dark Energy. The lecture was given by Dr. Marcel Vonk at the University of Maastricht. About 200 people were present in the beautiful Aula and listened for 1,5h to the newly theory from Prof. Erik Verlinde.
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Dr. Marcel Vonk at the Aula of Maastricht University |
A couple of new concepts I learned are the concept "Emergent", the whole idea of "Information which is Entangled" and a(n) (Anti) De Sitter space.
The entire lecture can be found back via this link on the website from Quantum Universe![]() |
Prof. Erik Verlinde |
As a conclusion Emergence, the creation of gravity on a large scale from the distribution of information on a small scale, addresses three problems at the same time. Firstly, gravity as we know it does not exist on a microscopic scale and therefore an understanding of the laws of gravity on a quantum scale is unnecessary. Secondly, space on a quantum scale consists of information bits that are entangled with each other. If the microscopic state of all bits has a high energy, space seen on a large scale is De Sitter space. This explains the origin of dark energy. Thirdly, the creation of a mass in De Sitter space relocates the information associated with the dark energy. This relocation of information has implications for masses that are located, for example, at the edge of a galaxy. This reaction force corresponds to the effects that are attributed to the mysterious dark matter.
Solving three problems in one go is a wonderful prospect, but can Verlinde's ideas be put to the test? They certainly can: we have seen that his theory not only offers qualitative descriptions, but also provides quantitative formulas that can be verified through observational data. Conversely, falsification is, of course, also possible: as soon as one of the many current quests results in finding an actual matter particle to provide an explanation for the dark matter, Verlinde's theory will obviously be incorrect.
But even if Verlinde's theory is correct, there is still much work to be done. One major open question, for example, is how the dynamics of the universe enters into his formulation: can this theory also offer an accurate description of the history of the universe and the movement of matter and ‘dark matter’ over the course of time? Can it be used to explain the properties of cosmic background radiation, the light coming from the early universe that we are still observing today? In addition, in some observations, such as those of the so-called Bullet Cluster, not only the relationship between ordinary and ‘dark’ matter is measured, but also the way in which these two appear to be distributed over space. This distribution does not always prove to be nicely symmetrical, and it therefore offers a wonderful challenge for Verlinde's model to explain such observations.
Whatever the case may be, Erik Verlinde's ideas do sound appealing and offer an interesting alternative view to decades-old fundamental problems concerning gravity. Hopefully, within the not too distant future, his theory will contribute to gaining a clear understanding of the everyday force that we have been experiencing for millions of years.
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Dr. Marcel Vonk is beside a string theorist also a Poker player. |
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
Lecture by Dr. M. Vonk
How are Gravity and Entropy connected? Is it like temperature and the heat we feel which is a result of atoms and molecules moving around?
Sunday, October 1, 2017
Weather Summary September
In comparison with last year, september 2017 was rather cold and wet. On the other hand, this month september 2017 was the same as september 2015.
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