Averbode - Belgium
(Update February 2025)
My Publishements
Heelal (vol 59, nr 12, december 2014, p 416), Double Rainbow
Heelal (vol 61, nr 10, oktober 2016. p341). Sun Observation Day
Heelal (vol 62, nr 4, april 2017, p34) - Bookreview15 Million Degrees
Heelal (vol 64, nr 4, april 2019, p13-p15) - Total Lunar Eclipse Pictures
Heelal (vol 64, nr 8, augustus 2019, p26-p27) - Noctilucent Clouds
Heelal (vol 65, nr1, januari 2020, p6-p7) - Mercury Transit
My German books
Die Sonne, Eine Einfuhrung for Hobby-Astronomen, Jurgen Banisch, 2014
Member of VVS Belgium and "Toezichthouder op de Jaarrekening"
Member of VVS Belgium and "Toezichthouder op de Jaarrekening"
Member of Helios Averbode and Secretary of the Association
Member of Urania Antwerp
Member of Cozmix Brugge
Member of Radboud Sterrenkundeclub
Member of Pro-Am Sol'Ex of Observatoire de Paris (Obspm)
Member of L'Association Française d'Astronomie
Curriculum Vitae
Messier Bronz Certificate (2009 : 25 Messier objects)
Messier Silver Certificate (2009: 50 Messier objects)
Messier Golden Certificate (2020: All 110 Messier objects)
Periodic System for Amateur Astronomer completed
Periodic System for Amateur Astronomer completed
Master in Nuclear Chemistry (MSc) - Mol - 1986-1990
Astronomy Basic Principles - Antwerp 2008
Science of the Cosmos - University Leuven 2015
Astrophysics - Antwerp 2017
Workshop Nightscapes - Antwerp 2018
Studium Generale Maastricht (NL)University 2017-2018-2019-2020-2021-2022-2023-2024-2025
Lecture Series (10) The Relativistic Quantum World - Maastricht University 2020 - Certificate
Science of the Cosmos - University Leuven 2015
Astrophysics - Antwerp 2017
Workshop Nightscapes - Antwerp 2018
Studium Generale Maastricht (NL)University 2017-2018-2019-2020-2021-2022-2023-2024-2025
Lecture Series (10) The Relativistic Quantum World - Maastricht University 2020 - Certificate
OpenLearn from Open University: The Sun (2019)
OpenLearn from Open University : Astronomy with an online telescope (2020)
OpenLearn from Open University : Astronomy with an online telescope (2020)
Nucleosynthesis - Brugge 2021 - Certificate
Radboud Nijmegen (NL) Lectures 2021-2023
Astrometry - Brugge 2022
Tabloo Dessel (B) Lectures 2024 (On the origin of time & Quantumphysics)
Coffies Stanford University Lectures 2024
Lectures MIRA Brussels : 2017-2018-2019-2020-2023
ROS 2024 Serbannes (F)
My Equipment
Dobson Orion 12" XT12 IntelliScope (f/4.9)
Klevtsov-Cassegrain TAL200K 8" (f/8.5)
Refractor TS TLAPO804 triplet d80/480 f/6 & TS AP d60/360 f/6
Refractor H-Alpha SolarMax III d70/400 f/5.7 Double Stack/BF15
Skywatcher Star Adventurer 2i
Skywatcher AZ-EQ6 Goto Mount with Skywatcher Tripod
Skywatcher EQ8-R Pro Goto Mount with Berlebach Planet Tripod
Sol'EX - SHG or SpectroHelioGraph
DSLR Nikon D7500
Camera ZWO ASI224MC
Camera ZWO ASI290MM
Camera ZWO ASI678MM
Camera ZWO ASI2600MC Pro
Guidescope ZWO Mini 30/120 f/4
Guidescope TS 60x240 f/4
My Software
Stacking: AstroPixelProcessor (APP), AutoStakkert!, AstroSurface
Editing: Photoshop CS4, Topaz DeNoise AI, Fitswork
Imaging: N.I.N.A. (Nighttime Imaging "N" Astronomy), ASIStudio, SharpCap, PHD2
Sol'Ex software : INTI, SHG_Main, JSolex
Drivers: ASCOM
Planetarium: Stellarium,
Special: IMPPG, PIPP, WinJupos, ImageJ, Adobe DNG Converter
Heelal (vol 59, nr 12, december 2014, p 416), Double Rainbow
Heelal (vol 61, nr 10, oktober 2016. p341). Sun Observation Day
Heelal (vol 62, nr 4, april 2017, p34) - Bookreview15 Million Degrees
Heelal (vol 64, nr 4, april 2019, p13-p15) - Total Lunar Eclipse Pictures
Heelal (vol 64, nr 8, augustus 2019, p26-p27) - Noctilucent Clouds
Heelal (vol 65, nr1, januari 2020, p6-p7) - Mercury Transit
Heelal (vol 65, nr6, juni 2020, p13) - Venus in the Pleiades
Heelal (vol 65, nr7, juli 2020, p26) - Supernova in Messier 61
Heelal (vol 65, nr9, september 2020, p17) - Noctilucent Clouds
Heelal (vol 65, nr9, september 2020, p17) - Noctilucent Clouds
Heelal (vol 65, nr10, oktober 2020, p10) - Comet Neowise C/2020 F3
Heelal (vol 66, nr5, mei 2021, p24) - Mars near NGC1746
Heelal (vol 66, nr5, mei 2021, p35) - Bookreview Licht in de duisternis
Heelal (vol 66, nr6, juni 2021, p22) - Mars en M35
Heelal (vol 66, nr8, augustus 2021, p26) - Moon and Mercury
Heelal (vol 66, nr8, augustus 2021,p26-p27) - NLC in the night of June 9-10 2021
Heelal (vol 66, nr11, november 2021, p21) - Green Flash
Heelal (vol 67, nr4, april 2022, p27) - Uranus near Moon
Heelal (vol 67, nr8, augustus 2022, p11) - Comet C/2017 K2 (Panstarrs) IC4665
Heelal (vol 67, nr12, december 2022, p35) - Bookreview De olifant in het Universum
Heelal (vol 68, nr5, mei 2023,p10) - Mars opposition 2022
Heelal (vol 68, nr7, juli 2023, p24-p25) - Rare Parhelic Circle and Circumscribed Halo
Heelal (vol 68, nr7, juli 2023, p25) - Mars in M44
Heelal (vol 68, nr9, september 2023, p20) - Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF)
Heelal (vol 69, nr4, april 2024, p11) - Sol'Ex, een DIY amateur spectroheliograaf
Heelal (vol 69, nr5, mei 2024, p4-p11) - Verslag VVS Algemene vergadering 2024: 80jaar VVS
Heelal (vol 69, nr7, juli 2024, p18) - Active Sun
Heelal (vol 69, nr7, juli 2024, p7-p8) - Aurora
Heelal (vol 69, nr10, oktober 2024, p14) - Lunar occultation of Saturn
Heelal (vol 69, nr12, december 2024, p7) - Sol'Ex presentation @VVS/JVS Weekend
AstroLab Iris Hemeljournaal, Picture of the Week May 10, 2021 - Mercury and Pleiades
STCE Newsletter May 24, 2024 - Sunspot AR3664
Coverpicture Facebook Passion for photography : Orion
Coverpicture Facebook Passion for photography : Sunbeams
Picture on Weather Forecast "Het Weer", August, 10, 2021: Double rainbow
Coverpicture Facebook Passion for photography : Sunbeams
Picture on Weather Forecast "Het Weer", August, 10, 2021: Double rainbow
Picture on Weather Forecast "Het Weer" September 28, 2021 : Halo
Picture on Weather Forecast "Het Weer" October 8, 2021: Port of Oostende
Nieuwsblad, daily weather picture - Shelf cloud
Nieuwsblad, daily weather picture - Averbode Abbey
Nieuwsblad, daily weather picture - Averbode Nature
Nieuwsblad July 8th, 2016 - Helios in the newspaper
Nieuwsblad July 20th, 2017 - My picture published in newspaper
Onze Zon - De meest nabije ster, versie 2.61 December 2021, P. Hilkens
Sol'Ex The Solar Explorer - Presentation at Helios, VVS Capella 2023, Astrophotography Day @ Hove Jan 2024, Sun Working Group @ Hove March 2024, VVS Polaris May 2024, VVS Seminar Blankenberge October 2024
Nieuwsblad, daily weather picture - Averbode Abbey
Nieuwsblad, daily weather picture - Averbode Nature
Nieuwsblad July 8th, 2016 - Helios in the newspaper
Nieuwsblad July 20th, 2017 - My picture published in newspaper
Onze Zon - De meest nabije ster, versie 2.61 December 2021, P. Hilkens
Sol'Ex The Solar Explorer - Presentation at Helios, VVS Capella 2023, Astrophotography Day @ Hove Jan 2024, Sun Working Group @ Hove March 2024, VVS Polaris May 2024, VVS Seminar Blankenberge October 2024
My German books
Die Sonne, Eine Einfuhrung for Hobby-Astronomen, Jurgen Banisch, 2014
Die Sonne beobachten, K. Reinsch, R, Beck, H. Hilbrecht, P. Völker, 1999
Interstellarum Deepsky Atlas, Ronald Stoyan & Stephan Schurig, 2013
Magnetisches Sonnen-system, Ulrich von Kusserow, 2023
My English books
My English books
15 Million Degrees - A Journey to the Centre of the Sun, Lucie Green, 2016
A guide to the stars, constellations and planets, Antonin Rukl, 2000
Deep Sky Companions The Messier Obkects, Stephen James O'Meara, 1998
From Quarks to the Cosmos, Leon, M. Lederman, 2000
Gravitational Waves, Brian Clegg, 2018
Herschel 400 Observing Guide, Stephen James O'Meara's, 2013
A guide to the stars, constellations and planets, Antonin Rukl, 2000
An Introduction to Modern Astrophysics, Bradley W. Carroll, 2017
Astronomical algorithms first ed, Jean Meeus, 1991
Astronomical algorithms 2d ed, Jean Meeus, 1998
Dark Matter & Dark Energy, Brian Clegg, 2019Atlas of the Messier Objects Highlights of the deep sky, Ronald Stroyan, 2008
Deep Sky Companions The Messier Obkects, Stephen James O'Meara, 1998
From Quarks to the Cosmos, Leon, M. Lederman, 2000
Gravitational Waves, Brian Clegg, 2018
Herschel 400 Observing Guide, Stephen James O'Meara's, 2013
Imaging Sunlight using a Digital Spectroheliograph, Ken M. Harrison, 2016
Introduction to Stellar Astrophysics volume 1, Erika Bohm-Vitense, 1993
Introduction to Stellar Astrophysics volume 2, Erika Bohm-Vitense, 1997
Non-Empty Emptiness, Mazur & Savchin, 2017
Oxford Dictionary of Astronomy, Ian Ridpath, 2012
Philip's Complete Guide to STARGAZING, Robin Scagell, 2006
Philip's Complete Guide to STARGAZING, Robin Scagell, 2006
Physics Parts 1 & 2, D. Halliday & R. Resnick, 1978
Planetary Astronomy, Christoph Pellier et al, 2020
Radiative Processes in Astrophysics, G.B. Rybicki; A.P. Lightman, 1979
Schaum's Ouline Series Advandced Calculus, R.Wrede, M.R. Spiegel, 2010
Schaum's Ouline Series College Physics, F.J. Bueche, E. Hecht, 1997
Schaum's Outline Series Modern Physics, R. Gautreau, W. Savin, 1999
Sky & Telescope's Pocket Sky Atlas, Roger W. Sinnott, 2006
Solar Astronomy, Christian Vikadrich et al, 2021 - Signed
Solar Physics - Third Revised Edition Wiley Physics Textbook, Peter Foukal, 2013
The Complete Guide to the Herschel Objects, Mark Bratton, 2011
The Complete Guide to the Herschel Objects, Mark Bratton, 2011
The Cosmic Gallery, Gilis Sparrow, 2013
The Grand Design, Stephen Hawking, 2010
The New Astro - Zone System for Astro Imaging, 2006
The Sun in the Church - Cathedrals as Solar Observatories, J.L. Heilbron, 2001
Understanding Variable Stars, John R. Percy, 2007
My Dutch books
Astronomie, Inleiding in de sterrenkunde
Basiscursus Sterrenkunde Deel 1& 2, Urania, 2008
De bouwstenen van de schepping, Gerard 't Hooft, 2014
De kosmisch symfonie, Brian Greene, 2001
De olifant in het universum, Govert Schilling, 2021 (@Averbode Library)
Basiscursus Sterrenkunde Deel 1& 2, Urania, 2008
De bouwstenen van de schepping, Gerard 't Hooft, 2014
De kosmisch symfonie, Brian Greene, 2001
De olifant in het universum, Govert Schilling, 2021 (@Averbode Library)
De ontrafeling van de kosmos (The fabric of the Cosmos), Brian Greene, 2015
De weg naar de werkelijkheid, Roger Penrose, 2022
De weg naar de werkelijkheid, Roger Penrose, 2022
De wetenschap van de kosmos, Christoffel Waelkens, 2012
De Zon, een biografie, David Whitehouse, 2006
Echt zwaar, M. Van Calmthout, 2017 (@Averbode Library)
De Zon, een biografie, David Whitehouse, 2006
Echt zwaar, M. Van Calmthout, 2017 (@Averbode Library)
Het einde van alles, Katie Mack, 2020
Het heelal, Stephen Hawking, 1989
Het mysterie van de tijd, Carlo Rovelli, 2018
Het ontstaan van de tijd, Thomas Hertog, 2023 - Signed
Het tijdperk van onzekerheid; De gouden en de donkere jaren van de fysica, Tobias Hürter, 2022
Het universum, Stephen Hawking, 2001
Kwantumtheorie in 30 seconden, Brian Clegg, 2015
Licht in de duisternis, zwarte gaten het universum en wij, H. Falcke, 2020 (@Averbode Library)
Nikon D7500, Dré de Man, 2017
Nucleosynthese, het ontstaan van de elementen in het heelal, Claude Doom, 2022 - Signed
Op zoek naar het recept van het universum, Harry Cliff, 2021
Op zoek naar het recept van het universum, Harry Cliff, 2021
Over de Regenboog, Janneke Schenk, 2017
Telescopen en tijdmachines, Roy Smits, 2020 (@Averbode Library)
Telescopen en tijdmachines, Roy Smits, 2020 (@Averbode Library)
Trilling in de ruimtetijd, Einsteintelescoop, EOS Special, 2023 - Signed
Twaalf Maanden Sterren Kijken, Claude Doom - VVS, 2017
VVS Sterrenbeelden Atlas, Claude Doom - VVS, 2017
Witte gaten; Binnen de horizon, Carlo Rovelli, 2023
Zon en aarde. Een unieke relatie, Jan Janssens, 2003
Zwarte Gaten, gevangen in ruimte en tijd, Marcel Vonk, 2018 - Signed
Zwarte Gaten, gevangen in ruimte en tijd, Marcel Vonk, 2018 - Signed
Sky-Watcher AZ-EQ 6 Goto Mount with 8" TAL 200K 1700mm f/8.5
Coronado SolarMax III d70/400 f/5.7 Double Stack/BF15 on AZ/EQ6
Travel scope TS TLAPO804 80/480mm triplet FPL53 f/6 on AZ/EQ6
Weather Station Levenhuk Pro LP500 with rain, wind, temperature gauges and solar panel
Running ECOWIT and Wunderground (ISCHER75)