Tuesday, February 13, 2018

M41 and Orion Nebula M42 withTLAPO804

Messier M42 observed with TLAPO804 and single shot picture - editing completed using CS4.

Messier M41, low above the southern horizon.

Flame Nebula in Orion

This evening I was able to take picture of the Flame Nebula in Orion. The nebula registrated as NGC2024 was observed using my TLAPO80/480. The picture is a single shot of 60s and editing using CS4. If you look very good, you will also recognize the Horsehead nebula.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Bright Sunspot AR2699 Compared with SIDC Drawing

The best contrast and best sharpness was achieved at ISO100 and 1/320s and after editing using CS4. Enlarging the sunspot area gives the result below.

Enlarged & Mirroded

Drawing made by SIDC

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Airplane with Sunspot AR2699

Lucky shot when airplane shows up in front of the Sundisk during my observation of Sunspot AR2699.

Sun with Sundog

Bright Sundog this afternoon @Averbode. Picture taken with Iphone 6

Sun after snow

Yesterday it was snowing but this afternoon clear sky with a beautiful Sun and Sunspots. Meaning I'm installing my scope with Baader filter.

Nikon D7500 ISO Noise

Pictures taken with Nikon D7500 in RAW, with cap, shutter speed 10s and different ISO levels. With gamma levels put to the most extreem (to zero) we can see noise showing up as from ISO 6400. Also other reviews show noise coming up around ISO 6400.

Dynamic range drops significantly as from ISO 51200 but EV levels are below 6.  ISO 12800 has EV level 6.6 which is exactly 50% of the max. EV level (ISO50).