Sunday, May 6, 2018

Lecture by Ulrich von Kusserow at ATT Essen

I attended a great lecture at the Astronomy Exhibition ATT in Essen (Germany). The lecture was provided by Ulrich von Kusserow, Astrophysicist and specialized in Solarphysics.
The topic was about solareruptions, comets and polarlight.

The first part of the lecture gave a brief but very good overview on the current understanding how the sun works and making links to the influence with comets and polarlight. The second part provided a lot of pictures and movies about all the explained phenomena.

Part of the presentation can be downloaded via this link.

750 Blog Post

This is my 750th blog Post promoting Astronomy, Solargraphy and related Sciences.

Saturday, May 5, 2018

ATT Essen

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Beautiful weather and a lot of people at the astronomy exposition ATT in Essen (Germany).

Friday, May 4, 2018

The Cigar Galaxy

Messier M82 or The Cigar Galaxy is a galaxy located at 12 million light-years from Earth. It's located in constellation of the big dipper (Ursa Major). The picture was taken using ASI224MC on my Dobson 12". Stacking is done using Autostakkert and final editing with CS4.

Jupiter May 3 22h UT using ASI224MC

Picture taken with ASI224MC 2775 frames on my Dobson 12 inch. Moderate seeing and Jupiter 25° above south east horizon. Frames stacked using AutoStakkert and edited with CS4.

Evening and Morning Observations

Past night the sky was clear and time to make some observations with my OrionXT12 scope.

Starting with M81, M82, M95, M96, Leo Triplet and M13. Pictures were taken of M82 with ASI224MC but I still need to stack them when time :)

Next observation was Jupiter and I made aswell some pictures using ASI224MC.

In the morning, time to look at the planets Mars and Saturn . Mars was observed with a yellow filter on 8mm with barlow x2. The planet is seen overal red with one edge white (Poles?).

Jupiter was again observed around 2h30 UT and the Great Red Spot (GRS) could be observed at the center of the disk. Some turbulence in the sky but overall a good view.

Planets and Moon in the Morning sky

This morning (and also the next two mornings), both the Moon and three planets are visible in the Morning sky.
Mars, Saturn, Jupiter and the Moon are clearly visible above the south-east to south horizon.