Saturday, May 26, 2018

Urania Afsluiting Werkjaar 2017-2018

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Straks Om 10h start het afsluitingsmoment van het werkjaar van de volkssterrenwacht Urania. Op de agenda staat een voordracht over Space-X en daarna tijd om wat bij te praten met de collega's.

Nightscape ISS

ISS crossed the sky above Averbode at UT 21h38. In total 4 pictures stacked using CS4.

Monday, May 21, 2018

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Globular Cluster Messier M5

Globular Cluster Messier M5 or NGC5904 in constellation Serpens is a bright cluster. The cluster is located at a distance of 25.000 light years from Earth.
The pictures are taken on May 7th, 2018 0h50 UT.

Two sets of pictures are taken :
The first set using Nikon D7500 on TAL200K are stacked using CS4. The second set of pictures are made using ASI224MC on TAL200K and stacked using Autostakkert with final editing on CS4.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Nightscape Moon - Venus

This evening both Moon and Venus low above Western horizon. The Moon is about 7% illuminated.

Sundogs and Halo

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High clouds in the sky gave shape to sundogs both left and right from the sun . Left you see also a part of the 22' Halo

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Jupiter this evening

Even though the seeing was poor I put my scope outside to observe the Great Red Spot (GRS). The passing of the GRS was around 20h30 UT. My observation was completed around 21h30. I used my ASI224MC camera with barlow x2 on TAL200K f/8.5. Pictures are stacked using AutoStakkert and final editing with CS4.