Saturday, December 15, 2018

Orion Nebula M42 - 9min exposure

The below picture is the result of 9 minutes exposure of the Orion Nebula or Messier M42.
Equipment : TAL200K with Nikon D7500. In total 18 pictures, each 30s, ISO6400 are stacked using DeepSkyStacker. The tiff32 file was edited using CS4.

NGC Objects 1647 2024 2129 2323

I made some pictures of a couple of NGC objects during the evening of december 13, 2018 :

NGC 1647 : Open Star Cluster
NGC 2024 : Flame Nebula
NGC 2129 : Open Star Cluster
NGC 2323 : Open Star Cluster - Messier M50

All pictures taken on TAL200K and stacking with DeepSkyStacker. No usage of darks. Editing from Tiff32bit using CS4 by modification of curves and levels on each RGB channel.

Flame Nebula NGC2024

First trials to capture the flame nebula or NGC2024. East of Alnitak (the most "left" star of the belt of Orion) the emission nebula NGC2024 can be found.
Picture was taken on TAL200K and stacking with DeepSkyStacker. Editing using CS4.

Friday, December 14, 2018

46P Wirtanen and Geminid Meteor

Two pictures of comet 46P Wirtanen with Geminid Meteors. Nighscape picture taken with Nikon D7500 and Tamron 10-24mm. Insert was taken using Nikon D7500 with TAL200K f/8.5.

Startrail with 11mm lens

The idea was to take pictures of the Geminid meteor shower but at the time the shutter went open only a few showed up. In stead of deleting the pictures I stacked the pack using
The pictures are taken with a Nikon D7500 and Tamron 11mm lens. A total of 72 pictures, each ISO1600 15s. The view is towards the south-eastern horizon,

Orion Nebula M42

A single shot of the Orion Nebula M42 taken with Nikon D7500 on TAL200K. Very limited editing using CS4. Some high clouds, temperatur -4°C and 95% humitidy.

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Perihelion Comet 46P Wirtanen

I took some picture of Comet 46P Wirtanen, currently located in constellation Taurus and it was a couple of minutes after perihelion.
Conditions : Temperature -1,3°C, no clouds and 100% humidity. This time I was not able to see the comet with the naked eye. I did see the comet with my bino 10x25.
Pictures are taken with TAL200K f/8.5 using Nikon D7500. Limited editing with CS4.