Saturday, March 2, 2019

Messier M95 M96 and M105

A total of 7 galaxies captured in one picture. Galaxies M95, M96 and M105 are located a distance of more then 30 million light years from us and can be observed in the constellation Leo. M105 is surrounded bu NGC 3384 and NGC 3389. Pictures are taken with Nikon D7500 on TLAPO 80/480 f/6 and ISO 3200 setting. No moon and temperature around 2°C and relative humidity < 100%. Darks were taken and DeepSkyStacker to stack all pictures. Editing with CS4. 

Messier M40

Messier M40 or Winnecke 4 is an optical double star; no more no less. It stands out as the most odd object in Messier's list. When looking more in detail there are two background galaxies north of M40: NGC 4290 and NGC 4284.

Deepsky NGC4449 M63 M102 M106

Observation of some Deepsky objects on February 27, 2019. Condition with no Moon, temperature of 3°C and relative humidity below 100%.
All pictures taken with Nikon D7500 on TLAPO 80/480 f/6 and ISO1600. Converting RAW to DNG format in order to stack using DeepSkyStacker. Final editing with CS4.

Friday, March 1, 2019

Potential Supernova AT2019abn in M51

On Feb 23, 2019 I made some pictures of the Whirlpool Galaxy M51. Today I was reading of a potential Supernova in M51 so I went back and looked if I catched the nova... and yes it's there.
My picture was compared with pictures on the TNS (Transient Name Server of the IAU) - see this link and astronometry.
In order to get the best view of the potential supernova I inverted colors, but on both the inverted picture as the colored picture the nova can be seen.

Above my inverted picture (Nikon D7500 TAL200K f/8.5 ISO12800 18m) indicating the potential supernova AT2019abn (AT = Astronomical Transient) by the black cross in the "arms" of M51.

Post #1000

Started in December 2012 this is my post number "1000". 

Weaher Summary February 2019

Some local records are broken this past month :
* longest dry period of 18 days
* highest temperature of 22,3°C (including lowest dew point)
* highest pressure of 1044 mb

It was a rainy period in the beginning of the month (with avg normal rainfall over the entire month) and the second half was extreme dry and warm.

Thursday, February 28, 2019

C/2018 Y1 Iwamoto M36 M38 NGC1907 NGC1931

Previous days it was difficult the find comet Iwamoto but as the comet is moving in front of M36 it's more easy.

All in one picture : Comet C/2018 Y1 Iwamoto with open star cluster M36, M38, NGC1907 and NGC1931 in constellation Auriga. Picture is taken with Nikon D7500 on TLAPO80/480 f/6 and setting ISO3200 for 30s. Editing using CS4.