Thursday, August 15, 2019

Center of Milky Way Sgr A* very active

Galactic Center at the sky
The area of our Galactic center with the supermassive black hole, Sgr A*, showed an increase by a factor 75 in the near-infrared over a 2h period. Observations were done with VLT & Keck telescopes. It's not clear what the root cause is and more observations are needed, but this is the first time ever such increase is seen. 

Source : see this link.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Double Rainbow with Alexander's band

Bright double rainbow this evening. The dark area between the two rainbows is clearly visible and known as Alexander's band.

Monday, August 12, 2019


Again a clear sky but seeing is moderate; later, at midnight, seeing is very bad. Picture taken with TAL200K, ASI224MC, Barlow x2 and ADC. Exposure time was 3 minutes. Stacking with AutoStakkert and final editing in CS4.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Backyard StarTrail

Backyard Startrail with Nikon D7500 and Tamron lens 10-24mm f/3.5. Setting f/3.5 10mm, exposuere 322x30s and ISO1250. Startrail with Startrails v2.3.

Planetary Nebula NGC7094

The very faint planetary nebula NGC7094 is located in Pegasus. Total exposure time was 17,5 minutes with Nikon D7500 and TAL200K f/8.5. Pictures are converted to DNG and stacking using DeepSkyStacker. Final editing with CS4.

Globular Cluster Messier M15

Globular Cluster Messier M15 in constellation Pegasus is estimated 12billion years old and located at a distance of about 33.000 light years from Earth.
The picture is the result of stacking 15 pictures each 30s exposure, ISO6400 with TAL200K f/8.5 and Nikon D7500. Raw photo's are converted into DNG format and stacking is done using DeepSkyStacker and final editing in CS4.

Jupiter with GRS

Clear sky but very poor seeing. The Great Red Spot (GRS) was central around 22h. I used my TAL200K, ASI224MC with barlow x2 and ADC. Sharpcap was used as capture tool and pictures are stacked using AutoStackert. Final editing in CS4.