Saturday, June 20, 2020

Are your ready? DIY Solargraph

Last day to prepare for your Solargraph. Tomorrow is the perfect date to install your Solargraph and keep it outside untill December  21, 2020.  
Make your own pinholecamera and create your own solargraph by using a simple can. How... see my blog (both english and dutch) with DIY instructions. Succes! 

Sunday, June 14, 2020

M13 Globular Cluster in Hercules

My earlier picture of M13, the famous globular cluster in Hercules, is edited using DeNoise AI software. This software reduces the noise in pictures.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Whirlpool Galaxy M51 after use of DeNoise AI

My earlier picture of the Whirlpool Galaxy Messier M51 is edited using DeNoise AI software from Topaz Labs. This software uses artificial intellegence to reduce noise in pictures far beyond my CS4 software.

Halo around the Sun

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Picture of Venus and the Pleiades published in Heelal

My picture of Venus in the Pleiades from April 3th (see also my blog) is published in magazine Heelal. On page 13 of  jaargang 65, number 6, June 2020 the picture can be seen on top of the page. 

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Sunspot AR2765 Cycle 25

The biggest sunspot so far of the new solar cycle #25. Sunspot AR2765 is located southern hemisphere of the Sun. The sunspot group exist of 4 big spots and 2 smaller ones. Software Helioviewer was used to locate P en B0. 
Picture taken with Nikon D7500 and TAL200K f/8.5 and baader solarfilm. Setting ISO100, 1/320s. Minor editing using CS4.


Double Rainbow at sunset with the Sun 1° above the horizon.

This picture of a double rainbow was taken a couple of minutes before sunset. The Sun is only 1° above the horizon which explain the colorful sky. The inside of the rainbow is lighter and the area between the first and second rainbow is darker. This dark band is known as Alexander's band. The colors of the secundary rainbow are reversed with the red color at the inside.