Saturday, July 25, 2020

Proud: New personal Facebook record with Saturn

My most recent picture of Saturn was posted on Facebook Sterrenkunde Forum VVS and got about 76 likes. My previous personal record was 61 with comet Neowise C/2020 F3. 

Friday, July 24, 2020

Jupiter and Saturn

Pictures of Jupiter and Saturn combined. Both pictures taken using TAL200K f/8.5 with ASI224MC, Barlow x2 and ADC.

Jupiter with TAL200K ASI224MC and ADC

Jupiter reached opposition last week in the night of July 13 and 14. Due to last weeksfocus on Comet Neowise C/2020 F3 it took me untill yesterday to take some pictures of Jupiter. Some clouds in the north but the southern sky was cloudfree with a good seeing. The GRS (Great Red Spot) showed up central around UT0h but I started to take some pictures 1h before. 

Setting : Camera ASI224MC on TAL 200K f/8.5 and Barlow x2 and ADC. I reduced the area of interest and shooting 1min avi film. Stacking was done using Autostakkert!. Final editing with CS4.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Saturn 2 days after opposition

On July 21, 2020 Saturn has reached opposition, meaning earth is exactly between the Sun and Saturn. Perfect conditions to observe Saturn.
Yesterday I took time to make pictures of Saturn. I used my ASI224MC camera on TAL200K f8.5. Setting: use of ADC and Barlow x2. Capture software SharpCap 3.2 was use to captures images. Stacking with AutoStakkert! and final editing using CS4.

The result is really amazing with a clear view on A, B and C rings aswell as the Cassini Division and Encke Divsion.

Timelapse Comet Neowise C/2020 F3

A 30s timelapse capturing 2h of Comet Neowise C/2020 F3 in the evening sky of July 22, 2020.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

NGC7000 Wide Field

A widefield of  NGC7000 was  taken using Nikon D7500 and Tamron 10-24mm. Astrometry was used to identify all objects within the field of view. Editing was done using CS4.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Comet Neowise C/2020 F3 with ion Tail

Yesterday I was able to make a couple of pictures of Comet NeowiseC/2020 F3. Using my Nikon D7500 and setting :  130mm F/5.6, ISO1250  12x60s exposure time. Raw data converted to DNG and stacked using DeepSkyStacker. Final editing with CS4 and DeNoise AI