Sunday, September 20, 2020

Andromeda Galaxy M31

My second session of 60x60s exposure time was done in ISO4000. Now I could combine this with my first session (ISO 2500) using DeepSkyStacker. Final editing was done with CS4 and DeNoise AI.

Setting : Nikon D7500 and TLAPO80/480 f/6 : first session 60x60s ISO2500, second session 60x60s ISO4000. Camera control by DigiCamControl. Raw data converted to DNG and stacking using DeepSkyStacker.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Fireworks Galaxy NGC6946

 Fireworks Galaxy or NGC6946 : picture edited using DeNoise AI

Galaxy NGC6946

Galaxy NGC4946 is located in constellation Cepheus and about 25million lightyears away from Earth.

Setting : Nikon D7500 and TAL200K f/8.5, ISO4000, 11x60s. DigiCamControl used to control my camera. Raw data converted to DNG and stacked using DeepSkyStacker. Final editing with CS4.

Mars Mapper

An interesting website is Mars Mapper. It shows how the Red Planet shows up in your telescoop. Any date between july 2020 and the spring next year will give you a simulation of Mars.

I used my picture from last night to compare. See the result for yourself :)


Last night I took some pictures of Mars. Even though the sky was very clear, seeing was not that good. But still, I was able to get to best out of it. See result below and also a copy of Mars Mapper.

Setting : ASI224MC on TAL200K f/8.5. Use of ADC and barlow x2. Frames stacked using AutoStakkert! and final editing with CS4.

Friday, September 18, 2020

Sun CaII K-line

This afternoon I took some pictures of a quit Sun using Baader filter CaII K-line without my solarfilm ND3.8. Doing this I was able to focus much better which resulted in very sharp pictures.

Setting : Nikon D7500 with TAL200K f/8.5; ISO800 and exposure time of 1/50s. Editing using CS4.

Monday, September 14, 2020

Sun in CaII K ND3.8 : first details

Observation of the Sun with Baader Ca II K filter showed some details. I was still practicing and did not expect too much. So this result was far more then I expected. 

Set up : Nikon D7500 and TAL200K f/8.5. Baader Ca II K filter, Solarfilm ND3.8, ISO800 and exposure time of 8s. Editing using CS4.