Thursday, February 18, 2021

Countdown for Mars :15 hours to Perseverance Landing

Landing of Mars2020 Perseverance will take place 15 hours from now. See this live on NASA TV; starting live broadcasting at 21h local time.

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Observation at -7°C

Temperatures dropped to -7°C and due to wind It felt really cold. I set up my EQAZ6 with TLAPO80/480 f/6 and Nikon D7500.

My first object was orion nebula M42 with and without OIII filter. The images with OIII were succesfull but the lights without OIII failed due "trees".

The horsehead and flame nebula was observed with and withoud H-alpha. The images with H-alpha were succesfull but only 30min lights were taken in stead of 60.

Below picture : H-alpha 30x90s ISO6400 and lights 25x60s ISO800. Cameracontrol using DigiCamControl. Stacking with APP and final editing with CS4 and DeNoise AI.

Moon 4%

After sunset, the Moon,  4% illuminated. Picture taken with Nikon D7500 and TLAPO 80/480 f/6.

Sun H-Alpha Prominences

Late afternoon the Sun kept on showing prominences and filaments. 


Sun H-Alpha

Open sky and during midday I made some pictures of the prominences using my SolarMaxIII 70/400f/5.6 DS BF15.

Blank Solar Disk

No sunspots but some prominences and above all very a nice scenic under freezing conditions of -1°C.