Sunday, August 11, 2024

Sunspot AR3780

Sunspot AR3780, currently 1200MH big, was imaged this morning using:

TAL200K f/8.5 with ASI290MM
Filter: Solar filter ND3.8, OIII filter and IR/UV cut 
Software: Sharpcap, Astrosurface v1 Urania and CS4

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Saturn: 1 month to opposition


One month to go for opposition of Saturn. It was also my first time this year imaging the planet.
After polar allignment  using SharpCap, imagting started :

TAL200K f/8.5 with ADC and Barlowx2 
ASI224MC with IR/UV cut
Software : SharpCap 4, Astrosurface U4 and CS4

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Calcium blue wing image of the Sun with Sol'Ex (CaIIK1v & CaIIH1v)

Imaging the Sun with Sol'Ex version 1 in Calcium blue wing (CaIIK1v & CaIIH1v) and H-alpha blue wing; this is -1,5A from the central CaK/H line.
The calculate the number of pixels which correspondents with 1,5A I used following formula :

H-alpha = -24* 2,4/pixelsize camera or for my camera = -24*2.4/2.9 = -19,86 pixels counting from the central H-alpha line equals 1,5A
CaK/H = -19*2,4/ pixelsize camera or for my camera = -19*2.4/2.9=-15.72 pixels counting from the central CaK or CaH line equals 1,5A

Images show the lower photosphere; the central line is showing the chromospehere.
Inti was used to generate the images and editing was done using CS4. 

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Sun in MgI(b2), H-alpha blue wing and Ca-K with Sol'Ex

A made a comparison of the Sun in the following lines : Mg I(b2), H-alpha blue wing (-1,5A) and Ca-K.
Good comparison between first two line, Ca-K is clearly higher above the photosphere.


Monday, July 29, 2024

H-alpha, H-beta and H-delta comparison


Comparison between H-alpha, H-beta and H-delta line of the sun. Images taken with heliospectrograph Sol'Ex v1 on TLAPO60/360 with ASI290MM.

First time : Imaging Sun in H-delta with Sol'Ex

My first time I imaged the Sun in H-delta. A comparison with my image of the Sun in H-beta shows that H-beta is more into the chromosphere then H-delta line.

Setting : TLAPO60/360 with Sol'Ex v1 and ASI290MM
Filter : Herschel Wedge (1.25")
Software : SharpCap4, Inti, JSolex, CS4

Sun H-Alpha with Sol'Ex and Herschel Wedge

The Sun imaged on July 28, 2024 using my Sol'Ex version 1 with Herschel wedge and ASI290MM. The focus was on the use of the Herschel Wedge. Image made in H-Alpha. 

Setting : TLAPO60/360, Sol'Ex v1 with ASI290MM
Filter : Herschel Wedge Lacerta (1.25")
Software : SharpCap 4, Inti, JSolex2.6.0, IMPPG and CS4