Sunday, August 18, 2024

Saturn Triple Ring Plane Crossing 2039

I know, still 15 years to go but, you can already start planning for the triple Saturn Ring Plan Crossing in 2039. One is not visible due to the Saturn - Sun Conjunction. 

Credit :

Saturn Ring Plane Crossing

The Rings of Saturn are "closing" and they will dissapear on March 23, 2025 and November 24, 2025 (not really as tilt will be 0.22°).
But where to find the data of the day to day tilt of the rings? I found this via Stellarium. When Saturn is selected, phi "e" shows the information for the tilt of the rings in degrees. 

Below graph shows when to see the ring plane crossing from both "Earth" and "Sun". 

Credit :

I imaged Saturn on August 15, 2024 with following information :

Planet diameter : 19"
Planet with Ring diameter : 42.8"
Height of the ring : 2.6"
Tilt of the ring : 2.56°

Friday, August 16, 2024

Saturn August 15, 2024

Clouds disappeared last night with some good transparency but fair seeing. Good enough to capture Saturn. The rings are currently almost edge-on with axe of the little ring on 2.6°.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Sol'Ex Pro : AR3784 in H-alpha, H-Beta and CaII H&K line

After re-adjusting the collimator of my Sol'Ex Pro, I made some images of the Sun in H-alpha, H-beta, CaII-H and CaII-K.

Setting: Sol'Ex pro on TLAPO60/360 with Herschel Wedge
Camera : ASI290MM
Software : SharpCap 4, Inti 6.2, JSolex 2.6.4 and CS4

Central is Sunspot AR3784; prominences are visible in each wavelengths.

ROS 2024 Group Photo

I received the Group Photo of the Rencontres des Observateurs Solaires of June 22 & 23, 2024 in Serbannes (France). Both Walter and myself, together with many others...

Sol'Ex Pro : First Light

I bought the new Sol'Ex Pro version and replaced the optics from my Sol'Ex version 1. This morning I installed the Sol'Ex via a Herschel wedge to my refractor TLAPO60/360.
The camera ASI290MM operated with SharpCap4. After my first scans I found out that scanning happened out of center. 
To found out what 's going on, I used the website of Jerome Bastardie :

Via the implementation chapter  I could link the problem to problem 7 ... tilt issue. I check my tilt with Inti and it was 57°. After correcting the tilt, the issue was gone. 

Sol'Ex Pro version on TLAPO60/360 and Herschel Wedge
Camera : ASI290MM
Software : SharpCap 4, Inti, JSolex and CS4

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Sol'Ex: Imaging Hydrogen Balmer Series

The Balmer series is a set of spectral line emissions of the hydrogen atom that corresponds to transitions of an electron from higher energy levels down to the second energy level (n=2). These transitions occur when an electron loses energy and releases a photon, resulting in visible light. The wavelengths of the Balmer series fall within the visible range of the electromagnetic spectrum, producing the colors typically associated with hydrogen gas. The first six lines of the Balmer series are known as H-alpha, H-beta, H-gamma, and H-delta, H-epsilon and H-zeta which correspond to different transitions. The Balmer series is significant in astronomy and spectroscopy for identifying hydrogen in our sun, stars and other celestial objects.
Images are made with my new Sol'Ex Pro and using a Herschel Wedge on TLAPO60/360 and ASI290MM.

Software: SharpCap 4, Inti, JSolex and CS4.