Thursday, September 19, 2024

Sun in FeI(c) line with Sol'Ex

Imaging the Sun with Sol'Ex pro in FeI(c) line (495.761nm). Both traces of the photosphere and chromosphere are visible. Conditions were good.

Date : September 14, 2024
Setting: TLAPO 60/360 with Sol'Ex Pro and ASI290MM
Herschel Wedge
Software : Sharpcap 4, Inti, JSolex and CS4

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Doppler Prominence

Prominece taken with Sol'ex pro on the morning of september 14.
Crop taken after editing with JSolex of H-alpha scan.

Setting: TLAPO60/360, Sol'Ex pro, ASI290MM, Herschel Wedge
Mount : EQ8
Software: SharpCap, JSolex, CS4

Solar Images with Solex and Sawtooth effect

Imaging the sun in the morning of september 14, 2024. I'm having some issues with sawtooth effect on the edges of the sun. The cause could be the mount scanning performance and/or turbulences. The figure out what the cause is, I used my bigger EQ8 mount. As a first conclusion: the sawtooth effect is much lower but on the other hand, the seeing was very good. This work will be continued. 

Below images of the Sun in H-alpha, H-beta and CaII H. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Double Rainbow

A very bright double rainbow with in between a very dark Alexander's band.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

180.000 Visitors

Reaching 180.000 visitors since the start of my blog. Thank you all for visiting and reading my blogposts.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

My first Sol'Ex image as part of ProAM

 Today my first Sol'ex image is available on Bass2000 as part of the Sol'ex Pro-Am program of Observatoire de Paris.

For my image see this link (August 25) :
To upload my images, the ser files are prepared by Inti using the setting in the advance section.

To upload the file, Filezilla client was downloaded and connection was made with FTP server. Files are dragged from my local drive to FTP server.

Result of H-alpha picture prepared by Inti with advanced settings. 

Sunday, September 1, 2024

JSolex 2.7 release

New release of JSolex version 2.7 by Cédric Champeau. See more via below link :