Did you know that Belgium covers one of the largest permanent scale model of our Solar System. Space for Muco was the project that was realized between May and October 2004 on behalf of the Belgian Association for Fight against Mucoviscidosis.
The scale is 1:40 000 000; The Sun as the center of our Solar System is located in Oudergem near Brussels, Pluto is located in Florenville at a distance of 147.8km from the Sun (Oudergem).
Last year I made a tour to find this "forgotten" Solar System of Belgium.
The Sun in Oudergem :
Construction of the Sun's radius of 17.6m was build |
Helios Greek God of the Sun with Horses |
Planet Mercury in Oudergem :
Planet Venus in Watermaal-Bosvoorde :
Selfie with Venus in the Park |
Planet Earth with our Moon in Ukkel (Royal Observatory) :
Earth - 31.8 cm |
The Moon - 8.6cm |
Planet Mars in Hoeilaart :
Planet Jupiter in Kampenhout :
Planet Saturn in Gembloux :
Selfie with Saturn in the Park |
Planet Uranus in Tongeren :
Selfie with Uranus in front of the City Hall |
Planet Neptune in Oostende :
Unfortunately, the statue was removed from it's location. I'm still trying since september 2018 untill today to understand what happened with the statue. I have contact with a member of the city staff but it seems difficult to get the answers.
Dwarf Planet Pluto in Florenville (near the French Border) :
Pluto - 5.8 cm |
Selfie with Dwarf Planet Pluto in a little town close to the French Border |