Sunday, December 4, 2016

Moon 16% with names of Craters

Always interesting to find out the names of the craters. During this first quarter we can find the craters of some famous early explorers.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Moon 16% with airplane.

Again a lucky shot when airplane shows up in front of the moon :)

Moon 16% Waxing Crescent

Already -2°C and cold. The moon is low above south-west horizon. Picture taken in direct focus on TAL200K and edited using CS4.

Herschel 400 Presentation A.S.H Polaris

Attending presentation on Herschel 400 by Tom Corstjens which took place at A.S.H Polaris in Herentals. Tom provided with passion insight on how to organize for visual observations of Messier and Herschel 400. A good overview was given but most interested are the drawings and sketches he makes of every observation. A key learning I took away is to take time to observe and keep looking at the object. The longer you look at the object the more you will see :)

Weather Summary November

November 2016 was about 4°C colder than November 2015. I registrated 11 air frost days this month versus 6 last year. Rainfall is comparable with last year, aswell as the wind.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The sun today - Nov 30, 2016

Picture of the sun taken with Coronado PST40 and zoom 24mm - afocal. Editing done with CS4 and comparison with SDO 304.

Almost perfect! Airplane in H𝛂

Temperature this morning was about -8.8°C and the sky is clear with a few clouds high in the sky. So time to make some pictures using my Coronado PST. Unfurtunately no sunflames could be observed but I could take a picture of the sun with an airplane in H𝛂. Almost perfect :)