Sunday, February 25, 2018

It's over

With 4 days of clear skies, clouds took over this evening.

Friday, February 23, 2018

Startrail above Windmill at Langdorp

Very clear sky this evening and I made some time to withstand the cold to make a startrail. As a scene I used the windmill located in Langdorp, direction north. I took some 200 pictures, all in Jpeg, and stacked those using
Standing outsite in an open field with apparent temperatures of -4°C are always a challenge. But luckily a got visit from a Helios collegue which made time passing by much faster. Thx Patrick :)

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Planet Uranus

This evening, planet Uranus is constellation Pisces. Picture taken using refractor TLAPO480/80 f/6. Editing done using CS4.

Orion Nebula M42 and M43 in OIII

This evening I made some pictures of M42 and M43 using an OIII filter. Pictures where stacked and editing using CS4.

Running Man Nebula NGC 1977 with M42 and M43

Observation of the Running Man Nebula NGC 1977, Orion Nebula NGC 1976 M42 and de Mairan’s Nebula NGC 1982 M43. All in one picture, taken with Nikon D7500 and TLAPO480/80. Limited editing using CS4.

Smiley in the Sky

Beautiful  upside-down rainbow or circumzenithal arc located "above" the Sun. This halo was almost at the zenith of the sky and bright enough to see with the naked eye. 

What's happening with the Camera Industry?

Overview of the Camera Industry year by year. Interesting facts of the total camera market aswell as the significant drop over the last years.