Saturday, April 21, 2018

Publishment of my Nightscape Startrail Picture

My nightscape startrail picture of the "Maagdentoren" in Zichem was published in the local magazine "Stadsinfo - Scherpenheuvel-Zichem" april 2018 edition.

Green Laserpointer and obstruction of air traffic

The use of (green) laserpointer for astronomical use can be a dangerous. Last week an amateur astronomer was using a cheap green laserpointer and pointing to the night sky when F-16 Fighting Falcon Jets flew around. The pilotes were "blinded" by the laserbeam and police was informed. The police could trace the beam and the laserpen was taken in custody. Furthermore a formal report was made against the astronomer, risking up to 20 years jail in theory because of "obstruction of air traffic"

Friday, April 20, 2018

First Experience with 16inch

I had the opportunity to look into a 16inch dobsonian collapsible telescope from a Helios member.
Observations were done when it was not yet dark and seeing was moderate, but those observations were already awesome, even comparing with my 12inch scope.
Messier 13, 51, 68, 81 and the Eskimo nebula was observed and what great details could be seen.
The moon was seen using 32 ocular (x60) resulting in a "3D image".
Picture was taken afocal with iPhone 6.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Weather Summary March

March 2018 was a cold and wet month, comparable with March 2016. We had 18 days with tain and 15 days with temperatures below 0°C.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

100 days to go

The lunar eclips of July 27, 2018 will take place exactly 100 days from today.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Nightscape Venus and Moon in the evening sky

I could not resist taking a photo of the Moon with Venus this evening. The young Moon is only 4% illuminated. The picture was taken using Nikon D7500 at 70mm.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Halo around the Sun

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Perfect halo around the Sun in Aarschot.