Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Noctilucent Clouds (NLC)

Different sources are reporting the first Noctilucent Clouds (NLC) so far this year in the Northern Hemisphere. The clouds are seen at high latitudes and it's likely they show up at our (lower) latitudes within the next weeks. Look West about 30-60 minutes after sunset or North before sunrise and look for blue-white clouds.
A Radar at Aberystwyth provides support when NLC show up. See this link.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Sundogs at both sides of the Sun

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Bright Sundogs both sides of the Sun. Also a part of the 22* halo is visible.

Bright Sundog

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Very bright Sundog this morning #Aarschot

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Tumbling Satellite flares every 3-5s

Many times I took pictures of Iridium flares and during my night observations I see hundreds of satellites passing by. However on April 19 around 21UT I saw for the first time a satellite flashing up more then once. I start reading a bit of this phenomena and talked to some people about it and this seem to be a tumbling satellites or tumbling pieces of rockets.

Yesterday, after taken pictures of the ISS I saw at the zenit another tumbling satellite which I was able to photograph. Unfurtunately, setting was already done for Jupiter and Moon, so no ideal picture. The passing happened from South-South-East towards North-North-West at exactly 21h05m35s at the Zenit. Enlarging the picture shows the satellite trail broken 2 times during and exposure of 10s. This means the flares happen between 3-5s. I looked into different databases with no real outcome but this is a potential list of tumbling satellites :

- Iridium 90
- IGS 5A
- Cosmos 1356
- SL-16 R/B
- Iridium 911Tum

Astronomical Twilight

As from next weekend untill the weekend of July 21st, skies will not get fully dark as the Sun will not go below 18° of the Horizon. This is what's called Astronomical Twilight. I was hoping to take some pictures past night during the 30 minutes of "total darkness" but clouds start covering the sky.

Moon and Jupiter - May 26,2018 UT20h30 

Nightscape ISS during Twilight

Passing of ISS during twilight and high clouds. So difficult to get the contrast of ISS on the picture.

Saturday, May 26, 2018