Saturday, November 10, 2018

Andromeda Galaxy M31, M32 and M110

For stacking my pictures (40 pictures ISO6400 each 30s) I did not use DeepSkyStakker but Astro Pixel Processor.  The outcome is a fits file which is converted to Tiff 32bit and edited with CS4. The final results shows the Andromeda Galaxy M31 and both M32 en M110.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Studium Generale Quantum Computers

Lecture on Quantum Computers at the University of Maastricht as part of Studium Generale dd November 27, 2018.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Messier M52 en Bubble Nebula

Renewed editing of Messier M52 and the Bubble Nebula. Total exposure of 300s and including darks. Initial stacking results in Fits 32bit file. Using DeepSkyStakker to convert into Tiff32bit  rational file which is edited in CS4.

Spiral Galaxy NGC891 New Edit

I used a different way of editing my pictures; mainly converting is changed. I converted the fts files to tiff32 rational using DeepSkyStakker and made editing possible into CS4.
The result is much better then starting within tiff16.

Starting from Tiff32 rational

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Open Star Cluster NGC7686

Open Star Cluster NGC7686 in constellation Andromeda. Picture taken on Sept. 26 using TLAPO80/480 f/6 with Nikon D7500. Stacking with DeepSkyStakker using darks, final editing with CS4.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Onze Zon - De meest nabije ster (nieuwe update v2.5)

Afgelopen dagen heb ik tijd genomen om mijn werkje rond "Onze Zon - De meest nabije ster) te actualiseren. Het was al weer een tijdje geleden (dec 2017) en ik voldoende materiaal voor een nieuwe update.
De actualisatie betreft ondermeer :

- Update resultaten Ulysses
- Voyager 2 en Heliosfeer
- Parker Solar Probe en Corona heating problem
- Differentiële rotatie
- ...

Veel leesplezier - en hierbij de link.

Weather Summary October 2018

Temperature and rainfall last month October are comparable with last year.