Monday, May 27, 2019

Globular Cluster M107

Globular Cluster M107 is the last Globular Cluster of the Messier Catalogue. The cluster is located at a distance of 27.000 ly from Earth. The picture is taken with Nikon D7500 and TLAPO8/480 f/6.


Globular Cluster NGC5897 is a satellite cluster of our Milky Way is located about 40000 ly from Earth and 24000ly from the center of our Milky Way.
Picture taken with Nikon D7500 and TLAPO80/480 f/6 ISO1000 for 4 minutes. Stacking using DeepSkystakker and final editing with CS4.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

North Virgo Cluster with M86, M87 & M89

Picture of galaxies M86, M87 and M89. Picture taken with Nikon D7500 on TLAPO80/480 f/6 and exposure of 7minutes. Stacking with DeepSkystakker and final editing using CS4.
Early april, the first ever picture taken of a black hole was taken of the black hole at the center of M87. M87 is located at a distance of 55million ly from earth. It is a very massive galaxy and believed to have a mass of 2700 billion times the mass of our Sun (our galaxy, milky way is estimated to have a mass of 1000 billion solar masses). For fun, I added the picture of the black hole which is estimated to have a mass of 3 to 6 billion solar masses.

My picture uploaded in (credit
*billlion = 10exp9

North Virgo Cluster and Markarian's Chain

This picture shows an incredible number of 67! galaxies. Some of those are :

* M84
* M86
* M87
* The Eyes NGC4438 and NGC4453
* Markarian's Chain M84, M86, NGC4435, NGC4438, NGC4443, NGC4458, NGC4473 and NGC4477

The picture was taken using Nikon D7500 with TLAPO80/480 f/6 with a total exposure of 8minutes. Raw pictures converted to DNG files. Stacking, including darks, using DeepSkystakker and final editing with CS4.

My Picture uploaded into Astrometry - credit

Globular Clusters M53 and NGC5053

Globular Cluster M53 is located about 63.000ly away from earth. NGC5053 is located at a distance of 53.500ly from earth.
Both clusters are taken with Nikon D7500 on TLAPO 80/480 f/6. Stacking, including darks, with DeepskyStakker and final editing using CS4.

Saturday, May 25, 2019


During the dark moment of last night I was able to make some pictures of Jupiter. Picture was taken using ASI224MC on TAL200K. I tried out my new ADC and to get back into focus I added a barlow x2. It was difficult to get the picture sharpened as each time I adjusted the ADC, Jupiter moved out of sight. SharpCap was used as capture software and pictures stacked by AutoStakkert!2. Final editing done with CS4.

Boarding Pass to Mars

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I'm on board of the next Mars mission. My boarding pass just arrived 😀