Sunday, August 11, 2019

Globular Cluster Messier M15

Globular Cluster Messier M15 in constellation Pegasus is estimated 12billion years old and located at a distance of about 33.000 light years from Earth.
The picture is the result of stacking 15 pictures each 30s exposure, ISO6400 with TAL200K f/8.5 and Nikon D7500. Raw photo's are converted into DNG format and stacking is done using DeepSkyStacker and final editing in CS4.

Jupiter with GRS

Clear sky but very poor seeing. The Great Red Spot (GRS) was central around 22h. I used my TAL200K, ASI224MC with barlow x2 and ADC. Sharpcap was used as capture tool and pictures are stacked using AutoStackert. Final editing in CS4.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Yearbook Royal Observatory Of Belgium

The Royal Observatory of Belgium publishes annualy a Yearbook. This is a must have for all amateur astronomers. The yearbook provides all kind of astronomical information mostly specific for Belgium. All recent editions are avaible in PDF format. See this link for the yearbooks.

My NLC picture in magazine Heelal

My pictures of  the NLC outbreak during the night of June 21 is published in the magazine "Heelal - Jaargang 64, number 8, August 2019.

Jupiter Moon Antares Conjuction

After sunset both the Moon, Jupiter and the bright star Antares (alpha scorpii) could be observed low above the southern horizon.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Perseid Meteors

Milky Way with Tumbling Satellite

A clear sky this morning and no moon. So a good beginning for observing Perseid Meteors. During a period of 15 minutes I could observe 3 bright meteors and a couple of satellites of which two tumbling ones. Unfortunately the meteors did not did not showed up on my pictures.

Milky Way

Sunday, August 4, 2019

July Weather Summary with temperature record

July 2019 was not the hottest month but July recorded the hottest temperature since the start of the keeping records in Belgium (and by myself :) )
On July 25th, a temperature of 44°C was recorded. Be aware the equipment is located in direct sunlight; so official temperature will be lower as registrated by KMI in Uckle (39.7°C).
I counted 5 raindays with rainfall comparable as previous year.