Saturday, May 23, 2020

Venus - Mercury May 23, 2020

Open and clear sky this evening with Venus and Mercury low above the north-western horizon. Since yesterday, Mercury is now North of Venus.

Friday, May 22, 2020


A beauriful, almost 360' Halo around the Sun this afternoon.

Venus Mercury May 21

Last night Venus and Mercury at the evening sky. Some clouds and plane trails made it difficult to track both planets at the same time.

Venus - Mercury Traject at the sky May 19, 20, 21

The last 3 days both Venus and Mercury are visible after sunset. They are getting closer and closer as seen on the pictures - of course not in space. 
All pictures taken with Nikon D7500, 95mm and ISO100. 

NASA SpaceX Demo-2 with Astronauts on Wednesday May 27

A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket with the Crew Dragon spacecraft onboard is raised into a vertical position on the launch pad at Launch Complex SLC 39A. NASA’s SpaceX Demo-2 mission is the first launch with astronauts of the SpaceX Crew Dragon spacecraft and Falcon 9 rocket to the International Space Station as part of the agency’s Commercial Crew Program. Behnken and Hurley are scheduled to launch at 22h33 local time (GMT+1) on Wednesday, May 27 at the Kennedy Space Center. A new era of human spaceflight is set to begin as American astronauts once again launch on an American rocket from American soil to low-Earth orbit for the first time since the conclusion of the Space Shuttle Program in 2011. 

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Final editing of Supernova SN2020jfo in M61

My collegue Walter from Astronomy club Helios challenged me to rework my picture of M61 with Type 2 Supernova SN2020jfo. Walter edited the picture using Software Denoise Al. CS4 was used to approach this base as best as I can. 
The result is the best so far. As described earlier, the picture is the result of two sessions, May 16 and May 20 with Nikon D7500 and TAL200K f/8.5 setting ISO 6400, 90x60s exposure.


High clouds and thus some nice 360' halo's around the Sun.