A space time diagram or Minkowski diagram made of the Twin Paradox. I used my old fashioned graph paper to draw both "twin" situations.
Left : earth twin "leaving" the rocket twin Right : earth twin "staying, and the rocket heading away (and returning) Both believe the other one is younger as they "see" the other one moving away.
During the night of October 13 to October 14, 2020 Mars came to Opposition. Seeing was moderate but with a couple of good moments. My best pictures are presented below. I added aswell a picture from Mars Mapper.
Setting : ASI ZWO224MC and TAL200K f/8.5 with ADC and Barlow x2. AVI movies 127 fps for 60s. Stacking with AutoStakkert! and 33% of best frames are collected. Final editing using CS4.
Last night Mars came to opposition and clouds dissapeared after midnight. Moderate seeing but with some good moments. Not all picteres are edited, but a first impression.
Setting : ZWO224MC and TAL200K f/8.5 with ADC and Barlow x2. 127 frames per second. Stacking with AutoStakkert! and final editing using CS4.
This picture of the Andromeda Galaxy M31 is the result of a total of 317 individual pictures made in 5 different night sessions: - 62 x 60s ISO2500
- 63 x 60s ISO4000
- 48 x 60s ISO6400
- 82 x 30s ISO6400
- 62 x30s ISO1250
So total exposure is 244 minutes. All pictures are made with Nikon D7500 and TLAPO80/480 f/6. Pictures with exposure time 60s are made with control software DigiCamControl. Stacking of Nef files using Astro Pixel Processor (APP). The stacked result (stretch - non saturated -Tiff32) was cropped and edited using CS4.