Saturday, November 7, 2020

Sunspot AR2781 Details with IR Cut

The sun today, november 7th, 2020 and sunspot AR2781. The overal picture is taken with solar baader film ND3.8. The inserts are taken with ND3.8 and IR cut filter and ND3.8 with Solar Continuum filter.

Sun and Sunspot AR2781 (ND3.8 - Solar Continuum)

This afternoon some high clouds but still good enough to take some pictures of the Sun. Sunspot AR2781 is still a very complex spot. Pictures are taken with ND3.8 and ND3.8 with Solar Continuum filter.

Friday, November 6, 2020

Sun with Sunspot AR2781 and AR2782?

This afternoon the Sun was covered with a very complex sunspot (AR2781). Also in the northern hemisphere I could observe a sunspot, but much smaller (AR2782?).

The picture is a combination of two pictures : ND3.8 and ND3.8 with Solar Continuum filter. Both pictures taken with Nikon D7500 and TAL200K f/8.5. Stacking and editing using CS4.

Mars Jupiter Saturn 2020 Compilation

A compilation of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. All pictures taken this year, 2020. 
Setting : ZWO ASI224MC, TAL 200K f/8.5, ADC and Barlowx2. 

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Mars and Mars Mapper

Mars, November 4th, UT21h20 compared with Mars Mapper. 
Picture taken with ASI ZWO224MC on TAL200K f/8.5, ADC and Barlowx2. Samples of 60s (127fps), and stacking with AutoStakkert! and final editing using CS4.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Mars this evening with an open sky. Seeing was good but towards UT22h00 conditions changed with moderate to bad seeing.

Picture taken with ZWO ASI224MC on TAL 200K/f8.5 and ADC and Barlow X2. Stacking with AutoStakkert and final editing using CS4.

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Halloween Sunspots

The Sun is active again as we can see some sunspots. Two group of sunspots (AR2778& 2779) can be found near the limb of the Sun.

The picture is a combination of two pictures, both with Nikon D7500 and TAL200K f/8.5:
1) Solar film ND5, ISO 500, 1/800s 
2) Solar film ND5 and Solar Continuum filter, ISO 800, 1/80s
Stacking is done with CS4.