Monday, November 9, 2020

Planetary Nebula NGC246

Planetary Nebula NGC246 (Caldwell 56) is located in constellation Cetus and about 1600 ly away from Earth. This pictures was partialy taken with obstructing trees. The planetary cloud is therefor very faint. Someday I will retry this object.

Setting : Nikon D7500 and TAL200K f/8.5, ISO6400 and 9x60s exposure time. Cameracontrol with DigiCamcontrol and stacking using APP. Final editing with CS4 and DeNoise AI.

NGC584 586 596


The pictures show 4 galaxies, 3 NGC and 1 PGC Galaxy. The PGC 1028168 is magnitude 15.2 and thus very faint. All galaxies are located in constellation Cetus. The NGC galaxies are about 60 to 100 million ly away from Eart.

Setting : Nikon D7500 and TAL200K f/8.5, ISO6400, 31x60s. Camera control with DigiCamControl and Stellarium connected to my mount. Stacking using APP and final editing with CS4 and DeNoise AI.

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Light Blue Snowball NGC7662

Planetary Nebula, NGC7662 (Light Blue Snowball, Caldwell C22), is located in constellation Andromeda and about 2000 light years from Earth.

Setting : Nikon D7500 and TAL200K f/8.5, ISO6400, 20x60s. Camera control with DigiCamControl and Stellarium connected to the mount. Stacking using APP and final editing with CS4 and DeNoise AI.

Supernova SN2020jfo in M61 after 170 days with COAST

Mid May I made pictures of Supernova SN2020jfo in Galaxy M61. On July 11th, I did the same using the COAST telescope on Tenerife (after 51days); at that moment the supernova was still good visible. I did wonder if this was still the case. The conditions to make pictures of M61 are not good during the summermonths so I had to wait untill end of October. Recently on November7th, I received my picture of M61 taken with the COAST telescope (C14 F10, 120s Clear Filter). I guess, when looking carefully, I see a little faint blur on the location of SN2020jfo.

ET Cluster NGC457

NGC 457 (ET Cluster, Owl Cluster, Dragonfly Cluster, Caldwell C13, Mel 7, Cr12) is an open star cluster located in constellation Cassiopeia and about 7900 lightyears away from Earth.

Setting : Nikon D7500 and TAL200K f/8.5, ISO6400, 11x60s exposure time. Camera control with DigiCamControl and Stellarium connected to the Mount. Stacking using APP, editing with CS4 and DeNoise AI for noise reduction.

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Comet C/2020 M3 Atlas

Currently a Comet (Comet C/2020 M3 Atlas) is "visible" in constellation Orion. It's about 13.5 magnitude and so it's not visible with the naked eye.

Picture was taken yesterday with setting : Nikon D7500 and TAL200K f/8.5; ISO6400 and exposure time 60s. DigiCamControl was used to control my Nikon camera and Stellarium was connected with my AZ/EQ6 mount to find the comet. Editing was done using CS4 and noise reduction with DeNoise AI.


During the day, the weather was perfect and forecast was looking good. Clear sky and a temperature near freezing point. Unfortunately, this wasn't enough and seeing was not good at all. Mars moved up and down on my screen and humidity was terrible. My best picture is shown below.