Sunday, September 5, 2021

Saturn with ASI224MC and ADC

Saturn on Sept 4th with good seeing conditions.
Setting : TAL200K f/8.5 and ASI224MC with Barlow x2 and ADC. Stacking using AutoStakkert! and editing with CS4 and DeNoise AI.

Experimenting with Ca-K filter and ASI224MC

Three groups of sunspots are visible on the sun : AR2866, AR2863 and AR2864. My objective was to experiment with the Baader Ca-K filter and ASI224MC camera and this on the TAL200K f/8.5 telescoop equiped with solarfilter ND3.8.

I used capture software ASIstudio and focussing went easier then expected. The Ca-K filter shows much more details around the sunspots. Stacking was done using AutoStakkert! and editing using CS4.

Top :Left Visual - Right Ca-K Filter
Bottum : Left Visual ASI224MC - Right Ca-K ASI224MC

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Saturn Rings Position 2018-2021


Pictures taken since 2018 which clearly show the change in position of the rings around planet Saturn.

Saturn and Jupiter with ASI224MC

A clear sky on Sept 2, 2021. Both Saturn and Jupiter visible low above at the south-eastern horizon. Seeing is moderate with some turbulance. 
Setting : TAL200K f/8.5 and ASI224MC, Barlow x2 and ADC. Capture software with ASI-studio.
Stacking using AutoStakkert! and editing with CS4 and DeNoise AI.

Friday, September 3, 2021

Ring Nebula M57 in RGB, H-alpha and OIII

The famous Ring Nebula M57 (planetary nebula in constellation Lyra and about 2500
lightyears away from Earth) was photographed using H-Alpha en O-III filters. 
Setting : Nikon D7500 with TAL200K f/8.5; H-alpha ISO3200 and ISO6400 (total 25x90s), OIII ISO400 20x60s and RGB ISO 400 20x60s ISO. Raw pictures are stacked using APP and the individual sessions are stacked using CS4. Final editing with DeNoisse AI.

Saturday, August 28, 2021

70.000 Visitors

Cool! ..... reaching 70.000 visitors for my astroblog. Thank you all!

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Sun in OIII and Ca-K

In the late afternoon I took some pictures of the Sun with Sunspots AR2859 and AR2860.
Setting : Nikon D7500 and TAL200K with Solarfilm ND3.8 and ND3.8 with OIII filter and ND3.8 with Ca-K filter