Tuesday, February 8, 2022

ARISS SSTV – Expedition 66 – MAI-75 February 2022

On Feb 7 & 8, 2022, the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) conducted a routine SSTV (Expedition 66-MAI75 Feb 7&8 2022) experiment during orbits that pass within range of Europe and Russia. They typically operate PD120 on a downlink frequency of 145.800 MHz using the Kenwood D710E located in the ISS Service Module. I could download 4 images during 3 ISS passes.

The quality was good but not the synchronisation. I used websdr from Nürnberg http://nbgsdr.ddns.net/
and MMSSTV software. 

Monday, February 7, 2022


This evening, both the Moon and planet Uranus within 2° field of view.
Setting : Nikon D7500 with TLAPO80/480 f/6, ISO100 and exposure time of 3s. This capture was more difficult then I expected.

Alexander's Beaded Rim

A couple of hours before quarter Moon, the dark side of the Terminator shows Alexander's Beaded Rim. The moon is 42% illuminated (Feb 7, 2022).
Setting : Nikon D7500 and TALPO80/480 f/6, ISO100 and exposure time of 1/160s. Editing using CS4.

Sunday, February 6, 2022

The Sun in CaK and OIII feb 5, 2022

Pictures of the Sun on Feb 5, 2022 both in OIII as in CaK.

Setting : Nikon D7500 & TAL200K f/8.5 Filter ND3.8 and OIII. Editing using CS4 and P, B0 set with Helioviewer.

Central sunspot AR2939 was special as a Faint Light Bridge (FLB) was observed.

Setting : ASI224MC with TAL200K f/8.5 and Filter ND3.8 and CaK. Stacking using AutoStakkert! and final editing with CS4. 

Faint Light Bridge on Sunspot AR2939


Sunspot AR2939 was observed on Feb 5, 2022 using a solarfilter ND3.8 and OIII filter with Nikon D7500 and TAL200K f/8.5. The picture is cropped and show the sunspot together with pores and the faint light bridge inside the umbra. This is the first time I made this observation. 

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Positional Astronomy by Prof Claude Doom

Attending the first (1/5) lesson of the positional astronomy course provided by Prof. Claude Doom. At the end of this training I should be able to calculate the location of the sun, moon, planets, satellites aswell as eclipses and occultations. 

Venus 19% illuminated

A bright Venus 90 minutes before sunrise. Venus is currently 19% illuminated.