Thursday, March 3, 2022

Lecture March 17, Dwarf Galaxies Small but Powerful

The University of Maastricht organises a lecture on Dwarf Galaxies. Prof. dr. Eline Tolstoy from the University of Groningen will discuss the importance of dwarf galaxies.
When : March 17 20h00-21h30
Where: Maastricht University or on line
For more information see this link.

Sunday, February 27, 2022

NGC3226 & 3227 (ARP94)

Galaxy NGC3227 is interacting with dwarf galaxy NGC3226, both are located in constellation Leo and more then 50 million ly away from Earth. Galaxy NGC3227 has an Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) and contains a supermassive blackhole (14 million solarmasses). The interacting galaxies are also categorised as ARP 94.

Setting : ASI2600MC with TAL200K f/8.5, guidescope ZWO30/120 with ASI224MC; lights 11x300s, darks, flats, darkflats and bias.
Software : N.I.N.A, APP, Stellarium, PHD2, CS4.
Seeing : moderate with hig clouds.

NGC2362 Tau Canis Majoris Cluster

NGC2362 (Tau Canis Majoris Cluster) is located in constellation Canis Major and about 5000 ly away from Earth.
Setting : ASI2600MC with TAL200K f/8.5 and Guidescope ZWO 30/120 with ASI224MC; lights 6x300s, darks, flats, darkflats, bias
Software : N.I.N.A, PHD2, Stellarium, APP, CS4, DeNoise AI.
Seeing : moderate with high clouds. 

Saturday, February 26, 2022


A startrail was made by taking 219 pictures of the winter constellations Orion, Gemini, Canis Major & Minor, Auriga and Taurus. 
Setting: Nikon D7500 10mm f/4.5 ISO400 219x30s. Startrails v2.3 was used to combine all pictures and CS4 for final editing. 

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Filaments in H-Alpha ARF & QRF

Filaments in H-Alpha:
ARF : Active Region Filaments or Prominence
QRF : Quiescent Region Filament or Prominence - also Quit Region Filament.

The Sun in H-Alpha

Clear sky this morning and aperfect moment to test my new ASI290MM camera. My First Light test was done using SolarMaxIII DS 70/400 f/5.7.
Imaging was done with ASIStudio and stacking using AutoStakkert!3, final editing with CS4. The solar disk is not fully captured, not fitting in the field of view.