Sunday, June 16, 2024

Sun in different wavelenghts using Sol'ex

Using my Sol'Ex I'm able to image the sun in different wavelenghts, like H-alpha, H-Beta, Magnesium b1, Helium D3, Ca H, H-alpha doppler. Never thougt I was able to do this.. but see, using my Sol'Ex it became reality.

He I D3 image of Sun June 8

I made different video's of the spectrum near Na D1 and Na D2 in view of procession He I D3 line.
I used JSolex version 2.4.4 using automated detection and full process. Next I searched manual the Spectrum line using Spectrum Debugger. Processing the image with Imagemath :
fixing_banding (clahe (img(Hed3) -continuum), 1.5), 30,20)

Set up :
TLAPO 60/360 f/6, Hoya 1.6, Sol'Ex, ASI290MM
Sharpcap 4, JSolex, IMPPG, CS4

I compared my he I D3 with the one from Didier Favre from the same day and is comparable.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

I got an invitation from Didier Favre to upload my images of the sun on the website

I uploading images from June 9th : H-alpha, Doppler, H-beta and Ca-H line.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Doppler Effect of Sun June 9


Doppler Image of Sun (H-Alpha) of June 9, 2024 processed with JSolex. 

Sun in Mg I(b1)

My first image of the Sun in Magnesium I (b1).

Setting :
- TLAPO60/360 f/6 with Sol'Ex and ASI290MM
- Hoya 1.6 filter  
- Software : SharpCap, SHG and CS4

Compare with H-Alpha image:

Sun in H-Beta

My first picture of the Sun in H-beta. Image taken using my Sol'Ex.

- TLAPO60/360 f/6 with ASI290MM
- Hoya 1.6 filter
- Sol' Ex
- Sharpcap, SHG, CS4

For comparison with H-Alpha and CaH line

Saturday, June 1, 2024

H-Alpha Sundisk with Scale

The Sun in H-alpha from May 10, 2024 and adding a scale to have insight of the dimensions.

Scale template from