Temperature dropped to -5°C when shadow transit of Ganymede started.
Setting: TAL200K @f/26 with ASI224MC ADC and IR/UC Cut Exposure tim 27ms and 30.000 frames of which 3000 stacked. Software: SharpCap 4, AstroSurface and CS4
SOLAP Project Abstract : Systematic observations of the chromosphere and the photosphere started in Meudon Observatory 115 years ago with Deslandres spectroheliograph. An exceptional collection of more than 100 000 monochromatic images in CaII K and Hα spanning more than 10 solar cycles is proposed to the international community by the BASS2000 solar database. We started in 2023 a “PRO-AM” collaboration between professional and amateur astronomers with the Solar Explorer (SOLEX), a compact and high quality spectroheliograph designed by Christian Buil, in order to record images every day, and several times per day, owing to tens of observing stations in various places.
I joined the PRO-AM community last summer (August '24) and submitted serveral images. All of them are visible in the BASS2000 database. https://bass2000.obspm.fr/home.php
The contribution of the amateur community compared with the professional Meudon group is plotted in below table (anno 2024)