Thursday, November 28, 2013


Today the comet ISON was moving towards it's closest distance to the sun, perihelion. Less then 5MM km from the sun and with a speed of more than 300km/s the comet should pass by and show up as the spectacle of the year. Listening live to NASA hangout and looking at SOHO and SDO pictures it's probably clear the comet evaporated. So no ISON but rather ISOF. It was a nice learning the past months and for that see also my tweets with nice linkages on pictures and websites.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

A Human Adventure : The Nasa exhebition in Utrecht

Today I visited the exhebition "A Human Adventure" In Utrecht - The Netherlands. Great exhebition with a lot of models as well as unique space "pieces". A must see for those who are interested into space.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

New Solargraph page

Solargraph Page
One month to go to be ready and setting up your solargraph. See my new page helping you preparing for this. Good luck and always interesting to see you end results.

Monday, October 21, 2013


Everyday an astronomy picture, 365 times taking a second of the wonders of the universe. 

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Sunday, October 20, 2013

Where is ISON? The Sky Live

Where to find ISON at the sky?
What is the distance of ISON to the Sun or to Earth?
What's the current Magnitude?

See The Sky Live

For more Usefull Links see Usefull Links

Qubits explained by two cats of Schrodinger

Scientists at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft, The Netherlands) have found a way to circumvent the quantum states phenomenon and also to manipulate these by measurement. This is important for the development of ultra computers.
See article Schrodinger two cats Qubits

See also video explaining two cats Qubits

Thursday, October 17, 2013