Saturday, March 1, 2014

Oregon Scientific WMR 200

Today I received my new weather station from oregon Scientific. I finally made my choice and ordered the WMR 200 with touch screen display, wind, rain, temperature gauges and solar panel. Choosing for oregon was not easy. First, some web sites have made references about WMR 200 not meeting the intentions and having some problems. Looking at other weather systems from other manufacturers are usualy, when you look further, as good, or as bad; it's the way you look at it. From a cost perspective the pro weatherstation are not that cheap and for some, like the Davis one - not everything is included within the price. My decission however was mainly driven by the fact I currently have a basic weatherstation from oregon without any problem uptill now. So for this reason, price/quality and the fact that other system's references are not statistical better, I choose to buy this WMR 200 system.
Now that I knew what to buy, next question is where to buy. For me the best deal at the moment was but the info wasn't clear the WMR package was full included. For that reason the order was placed with The package was delivered 4 days after ordering at my neighbours home .... no one did sign off.  So far so good and the next days I will start to unpack and install my new weather station.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Using red filter

Picture taken from my backyard of the sun with clouds. I used my Nikon D60 and a selfmade red filter. Picture cropped using CS4 without any further modification.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Startrail Abbey of Averbode

Startrail with the Abbey of Averbode in the front.  On the right corner you can recognize Orion and Sirius is the bright star on the mid right. Picture was taken with a Nikon D60 using 30 frames each 30s. Picture stacked with Startrail and modified using Photoshop CS4.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Supernova in M82

A few days ago astronomers observed a supernova in M82. M82 is a "nearby" galaxy and located within Ursa Major. The supernova, an exploding star, is currently as bright as magnitude 11 and could become more bright the next few days.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New year 2014

A Happy New Year to all with a lot of astronomical highlights a splended solargraphs and many more!!!