Saturday, September 13, 2014

Iridium Flare

Photographing satellites needs always some preparation. Looking up the right time and location at the sky and adjusting the setting of the DSLR. The above picture is taken with settings ISO100 and 83s exposure time and afterwards modified using CS4.

Startrail Cygnus constellation

Milkyway in Cygnus constellation taken with Nikon D60 body using celestron d70/f400mm telescoop. Picture modified using CS4.

Waning Gibbous Moon

Picture taken with Nikon D60 body and Celestron d70/f400 telescoop. Picture modified using CS4.

Lunar Diffraction Ring

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Sun eclips march 20, 2015

Still 6 months to go to plan for the sun eclips. The eclips will be seen in Europe on march 20, 2015.
It is the last total eclips in europe untill 2026. Totallity occurs in a vary wide path of more than 400km but north of europe as in the Faroe Islands and Spitsbergen.  In Belgium we will be seeing a partial eclips with 80% of suns surface covered by the moon. The entire eclips can be seen in the morning of march 20, when of course the sky is without any clouds!