Sunday, December 3, 2017

ISS Crossing the Sun's Disk on December 9th

Great opportunitiy to see the International Space Station ISS crossing the Sun's Disk on December 9th around 15h 05m.
NEVER LOOK DIRECTLY AT THE SUN. Do NOT look at the sun without protection, use only protective safe filters - No sunglasses!

The centerline starting at Brussels through Eindhoven including Leuven, Aarschot, Geel, Mol, ..


All you need to make your own pinhole camera from a ordinary (beer)can creating solargraphs.

Nitrogen Dioxide above Western Europe

The Sentinel 5P provided images of the distribution of Nitrogen Dioxide above Western Europe. Nitrogen Dioxide is mainly generated by industrial fossil fuel combustion and air traffic.

Picture from November 22, 2017 - Credit KNMI/ESA - Copernicus

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Feedback from Janneke Schenk

Friendly feedback from Janneke Schenk, auteur of the book "Over de Regenboog".

Over de Regenboog - Janneke Schenk

I found a compact and interesting book on rainbows, corona's, and other phenomena linked to our Sun. The book is written by Janneke Schenk and beside many and very beautiful pictures the book explains those phenomena's in an easy but still scientifically way.

Rainbows are impressive natural phenomena. But where do the colors of a rainbow come from? Why does it have the shape of a bow? Does a rainbow always look the same, and how big is a rainbow? Are all rainbow colors in the sky rainbows?

Janneke Schenk looked for answers to these questions and encountered other light and color phenomena on our way, such as the corona, glory, sacred and halos. She describes the physical explanation of these phenomena and makes them understandable for everyone with the aid of illustrations and photographs.

Through knowledge of the processes and circumstances you develop a feeling for where and when special light phenomena can be found in the sky and you will notice them more and more often!

See my other books in my library.

Supermoon Sunday December 3

Sundaynight, December 3th it will be full Moon. And as the Moon is much closer to the Earth then normal average the Moon will be 7% wider and 13% more brighter. This is called Supermoon. Have a look at the sky tomorrow evening and verify yourself :)

The full Moon on March 12th, 2017 was 1,2% smaller then normal average.

Weather Summary November

Average temperature in November is about 2°C below long term avarage. In total 8 air frost days are counted. Rainfall is normal with 60 l/m2 and comparable with previous 3 years.