Monday, October 8, 2018

Draconid Meteor Shower this evening?

When the sky is clear get a chance to go outside this evening to watch for meteors. The annual peak of Draconid meteors is expected this evening around midnight. Last month the parent comet,
21P Giacobini-Zinner, reached its perihelion. It means there is a small chance the number of meteors could peak.  But watch yourself :)

Sunday, October 7, 2018


Startrail taken on the morning of October 5th, UT2h-3h. Picture taken in the direction of South-East with Nikon D7500 f/3.5 10mm. Pictures stacked using Startrails v2.3

Freek Roelofs & Marcel Vonk

Send by iPhone 6 iOS 11.2.5

Afgelopen weekend vond in Oostende het 32ste VVS/JVS weekend plaats. Diverse onderwerpen kwamen aan bod maar 2 lezingen sprongen eruit. Twee topsprekers waren aanwezig die uitzettingen gaven over Event Horizon Telescope : de eerste foto van een zwart gat (Freek Roelofs). Een tweede lezing ging over Emergente Zwaartekracht en het donkere Heelal (Marcel Vonk)

Friday, October 5, 2018

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Spiral Galaxy NGC891

In the constellation Andromeda you can see an unbarred spiral Galaxy known as NGC891. Visually it's difficult to see and shows up as a very faint blur. I took some pictures at the moment the moon was 98% illulinated. That's why the picture is not really dark. The galaxy is loacted at a distance of 30 million light years from Earth. This is 15 times further then the Andromeda Galaxy M31.
The picture was taken with my nikon D7500 on TALAPO80/480 f/6. Darks are included and stacking with DeepSkyStacker. Final editing in CS4.

Monday, October 1, 2018

Geostationary Satellites

When looking at the pictures I made of the planet Neptune, I noticed a couple of traces.  Most probably these traces are satellties, interesting to notice is the fact the pictures shows three "satellites" 'in line'.

Weather Summary September

September was a warm and dry month with only  28 liter of rain /m2. Interesting to see is the 1 air frost day on September 30th. This is first air frost day since 2014.