Saturday, November 28, 2020

Jupiter and Saturn getting closer


Sunspot AR2786 with naked eye

This evening during sunset , sunspot AR2786 could be seen with the naked eye. I made also some pictures with my Nikon D7500 and Nikkor lens 18-200 while the sun was setting. This is the first time i could capture sunspots with my regular lens instead of my telescopes.

No Photokina at Cologne anymore!

A press release was send yesterday by Gerald Böse, President and Chief Executive Officer of Koelnmesse that Photokina at Cologne location will be suspended for the time being. It look likes that the world class imaging, video and photography fair after 70 years ends here.

The reason for this descission is made due to the further massive decline in markets for imaging products and "Unfortunately, at present the framework conditions in the industry do not provide a viable basis for the leading international trade fair for photography, video and imaging,".

Sunday, November 22, 2020

NOAA18 22112020 UT10h11 Websdr


NOAA 18 Weather Image from November 22, 2020, UT10h11. Data from ESA Websdr but without telemetry data. Own composition using WXtoIMG, ATPDecoder, CS4 and final editing using DeNoise AI.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Mars with dust storm?

The surface of Mars is changing due to a large dust storm. Below picture from last evening UT20h07. Seeing was not good but still the storm is visible. The picture was taken using ZWO ASI224MC on TAL200K f/8.5, ADC and barlowx2. Raw 16 Ser format images stacked using AutoStackert!. Final editing with CS4.

Thursday, November 19, 2020

M33 Triangulum Galaxy with COAST

The Triangulum Galaxy M33 is the most distant object which can be seen with the naked eye (during a perfect dark sky conditions); the galaxy is located in constellation Triangulum and about 2.73 million ly away from Earth. Together with Andromeda galaxy (2.54 million ly) and our MilkyWay, the Triangulum galaxy is the third biggest galaxy of the Local Group.

The picture was taken with COAST telescope (a C14 f/ 10 with Fli Proline KAF0900 camera) on Tenerife. The picture is a combination of H-Alpha, OIII, SII and mono (180s). Stacking was done using APP and final editing with CS4 and DeNoise AI.

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Storm over Belgium - NOAA 18 Image UT9h57

Currently a storm is chasing over Belgium ... see my rework NOAA 18 picture from this morning.