Sunday, April 30, 2023

MIT Open Learning - Astronomy Courses

Since 2001, MIT (Yes, it's the famous Masschutsetts Institute of Technology) OpenCourseWare has been creating new opportunities for millions of learners and educators, sharing Open Educational Resources (OER) from MIT and helping to lead a global revolution in free access to knowledge.

MIT OpenCourseWare continues to build on this foundation. With a new web platform, ever-growing content, and collaborations across the vibrant open education ecosystem, we're creating a world of more equitable and inclusive education for all.

OCW  (Open Course Ware) is a free and open publication of material from thousands of MIT courses, covering the entire MIT curriculum. That's every MIT department and degree program, ranging from the introductory to the most advanced graduate level. Each OCW course includes a syllabus, some instructional material (such as lecture notes or a reading list), and some learning activities (such as assignments or exams). Many courses also have complete video lectures, free online textbooks, and faculty teaching insights. While some OCW content is custom-created for online use, most of it comes straight from the MIT classroom.

Some available astronomy courses :

- Relativity, Astrophysics, Quantumphysics, Exoplanets, Universe, ... see this link.

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Lezing: Einsteintelescoop te UHasselt

Op dinsdag 16 mei organiseert het FWO in samenwerking met EOS in de lokalen van de UHasselt een uiteenzetting over hoe de Einsteintelescoop werkt en wat wetenschappers hopen er mee te ontdekken.
De speciale editie van Eos is deze maand volledig gewijd aan de Einsteintelescoop en de aanschaf er van is een echte aanrader.
Meer informatie van de lezing is hier terug te vinden:

Inschrijven voor lezing kan via deze link: 

Some more pictures of Venus-Moon conjuction of April 23

Some more pictures of the Venus-Moon conjuction of April 23, which happened during daytime.
Both pictures taken with Nikon D7500; one withTLAPO80/480 f/6, the other with telelens 18-200mm.

My picture of Mars published in Heelal magazine

One of my pictures of Mars is published in magazine Heelal (Year 68, number 5, May 202, page 10). The article decribes the opposition 2022 of Mars and is written by Dominique Dierick. I'm really proud to be part of this review and to see that my picture is "good" enough for publishment knowing my small aparture of 20cm (8").

See also this link to my post of this Mars observation.

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Venus - Mars - Moon

April 25, 2023: The moon high in sky with at the east Mars and at the south west Venus and the Pleiades. 

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Moon-Venus Conjunction during daylight - a real challenge!

On page 57 of "De Hemelkalender 2023" (astro calender 2023) we can read that on Sunday April 23, 2023 UT11h30, the Moon and Venus are in conjunction. In the beginning of this year that we agreed to observe this event with our Helios astronomy club. Unfortunately weatherforecast was not good and only the morning would be cloudfree. So the gathering was moved to the morning and 4 members showed up. A binocular, ETX70, refractors and telelens was set up to find the Moon and/or Venus. It's a challenge and really not easy to find the Moon during day time and when the Sun overshines the sky. It took us almost an hour to locate the Moon and Venus. Just in time to take some pictures.

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Venus-Mercury in the evening sky


Clear skies in April 17 and 18 with the planets Venus and Mercury in the evening sky. Mercury is getting fainter everyday and moving towards the Sun. The apparent distance between Venus and the Pleiades is also increasing when comparing with my previous observations earlies this month.

Setting: Nikon D7500 f/5.6, 40mm, ISO800, 3s exposure time. Editing using CS4.