Sunday, December 21, 2014

Astronomical highlights 2014

The 2014 was a year with quit some interesting astronomical highlights.
The most impressive was seeing live the Space Shuttle "Enterprise" in New York. It was also my first time observing noctilucent clouds and my first article in the astronomical magazine "Heelal".

Startrail with in the background the Abbey of Averbode.

Since March I'm owning my personal weather station Oregon Scientific WMR200

My first time photographing Jupiter.

A lucky shot when photographing sunspots, a plane crossed in front of the sun.

More then 500 pictures taken to have 1 picture with lightning

Beautiful collored rainbow taken early in the morning.

My second solargraph from december till june.

This is a real wow moment, observing noctilucent clouds...

Standing in front of the Space Shuttle "Enterprise". What a spacecraft!

Double rainbow picture which was also published in the Magazine "Heelal"

Phantom sun or sun dog picture.