Sunday, November 13, 2016

Supermoon on November 14th- really Super?

What's in the name? On November 14th 12h21 MET the distance moon-earth will be as close as 356509km. Why is this important? It's because this happens on almost the same moment when the moon is full (14h52 MET). It's calculated that the moon will be 14% "bigger" and about 30% "more bright". As all this happens during daytime, best observation is the morning of Nov 14th or at evenings. Will you notice the difference... not really.
The last time the moon was that close happened on Jan 26th, 1948 (356461km). On November 25th, 2034 the moon will be even closer with 356445km.
So why should you look at the moon? Only it's because you know that it was about 68 years ago the moon was that close. Super right?