Tuesday, August 8, 2017

WOW Six Rare Halo's around the Sun this Afternoon

Late afternoon, at the moment the sun was about 24° above the horizon and the sky was covered with high clouds it was possible to observe a total of 6 rare halo's.

1) left and right of the sun, very bright sun dogs could be observed
2) a 22° halo around the sun connecting the two sun dogs
3) on top of the 22° halo, an upper tangent arc
4) on top of the upper tangent arc, the rare Parry arc, it's faint but it's there
5) at 70°, so almost at zentih, the very bright circumzenithal arc
6) south of the circumzenithal arc and connecting to it, the supralateral arc

All 6 rare halo's around the sun

All 6 rare halo's around the sun (black & white)

Bright Circumzenithal arc