Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Solargraphs Results

Magnificent Solargraph from the period July-Dec 2017 using a 72cl can with Ilford MGRC Multigrade RC Cooltone photopaper.

Solargraph made with 72cl can

Six months ago, I installed two pinhole camera's with the intention to track the sun's orbit at the sky. This was my sixt consecutive year doing these experiments. This is what I learned this year :

1)  One of my pinhole camera's had a rather large pinhole. This can result in an overexposure, so keep the pinhole as small as possible;
2)  I used a 72cl can and the results is much better when comparing with a 50cl can;

Second Solargraph : 50cl can with rather big pinhole resulting in an overexposed Solargraph