Saturday, August 4, 2018

Mars TAL200K ASI224MC

Observation of Mars, one week after opposition. Mars was low above the south-southeast (SSE) horizon at an altitude of only 9.5°. It's still very bright with a magnitude of -2.7 and the diameter is now 24.28". As a reference, on July 9th, the planet was only 22.28", a difference of almost 10%.

Seeing was good and details on the surface were clearly seen. The surface showed clearly light and dark areas. I made a series of picutres which nicely showed clearly the rotation of the planet.

Observations are made with TAL200K and ASI224MC with Barlowx2. All pictures made with capture software SharpCap and capture are was reduced to 480x400. Stacking using DeepskyStacker. Final editing with CS4.