Saturday, June 22, 2019

European SpaceTalks with Frank De Winne

For the celebration of the 10th anniversary of their flight to the ISS, Belgian Astronaut Frank De Winne and his crewmates Roman Romanenko (Russia) and Robert Thirsk (Canada) came yesterday together at the Planetarium in Brussels to look back at their ISS mission and to look forward to the future of human spaceflight and robotic exploration.
Frank De Winne

About 70 people listened how ISS expedition crew 20 experienced their space trip starting from the training, launch with Soyuz TMA-15, the life on board the spacestation and the safe landing. All stayed for 6 months (186 days) in space.
The audience had the chance to ask all kind of questions which were full energizend answerred by the astronauts. 
Fltr: Astronauts Frank De Winne, Bob Thirks, Roman Romanenko and Myself

Frank De Winne discussed in the second presentation the 3 year outlook of ESA (Space 19+) with focus on getting to the Moon by 2024. A little was talked about getting to Mars as there is still a lot work to be done. He gave the example of the very complex program of sampling 300grams of Mars soil and bringing it to Earth.  The Space19+ enveloppe program will be discussed end of 2019 by the EU in order to get approval.

ISS Expedition 20 Crew Signed Postcard
The event took about 2,5 hours and was well received... mission completed.