Sunday, April 4, 2021

Leo Quartet NGC3190 Group

In addition to the well-known Leo Triplet there is also Leo Quartet. This NGC3190 group consists of 4 NGC members : NGC3185, 3187, 3190 and 3193. The entire group is alsno known as Hickson 44 and 3 members NGC3187, 3190 and 3193 are know as ARP316. The NGC galaxies are about 100-150 million lightyears away from Earth. On the picture some faint galaxies can be seen as well a Quasar (distance of about 3 billion lightyears away from Earth !)

Setting : Nikon D7500 and TAL200K f/8.5. ISO3200 and 42x60s with darks. Camera control with DigiCamControl and stacking using APP. Final editing with CS4