Saturday, August 7, 2021

MAI-75 SSTV Expedition 65 August 6&7

The Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) did a couple of quick experiment sessions of SSTV during parts of August 6 and 7. The setup started at 10:50 UTC on August 6 and transmissions stopped around 19:10 UTC. The activation on August 7 started this morning about 09:50 UTC and ended 17:30 UTC. ISS setting : the usual PD120 format on the standard downlink frequency of 145.800 MHz.
I used the 70m high antenne with webSDR "Nürnberg skyscraper" and MMSSTV software.
I could download 7 pictures of which one was very poor quality. The quality of the others are good but none of the pictures are perfectly alligned.