Monday, March 7, 2022

Orion M42 - OIII and ASI2600MC

Past weekend I took the time to optimize my PHD2 guiding skills. The build-in "Guiding Assistance" was used and the camera exposure time was increased from 1s to 2s. The guide pulses in EQMOD are increased from 0.5 to 0.9.
I made sure the 2" flattener was set at exactly 105mm till the + 17mm ASI2600MC chip. 

Setting scope : ASI2600MC and TLAPO80/480 f/6
Guiding : ZWO Guiding scope 30/120 and ASI224MC
Software : N.I.N.A, Stellarium, PHD2, APP, CS4, DeNoise AI
Lights : 10x180s 5x300s
Light 2" OIII filter: 8x300s 3x600s