Sunday, April 3, 2022

Coma Cluster Abell 1656

The Coma Cluster (Abell 1656) is a collection of galaxies (more then 1000 identified galaxies) located in constellation Coma Berenices. The brightest member in the central region of the Coma Cluster is Coma B (NGC4889 or C35) and about 300 million ly away from Earth.
Using about 100 galaxies can be seen on the picture (both NGC and IC)

Setting : TLAPO80/480 f/6 with ASI2600MC, guidingscope 30/120 with ASI224MC
Light : 12x300s, darks, bias, flats and darkflats
Software : N.I.N.A., Stellarium, PHD2, APP, CS4, DeNoise AI
Location : Berzieux (F)