Saturday, August 13, 2022

Hercules Globular Cluster M13


My picture of Hercules Globular Star Cluster Messier M13. It's located in constellation Hercules and about 22.000 light years away from Earth. The cluster counts a couple of hundred thousand stars.

The picture was taken on August 10th, 2022 and it was my first time using Sharpcap for polarallignement. As a result my guiding error reduced significally and up to 0,23 pixels. 

Setting: TAL200K f/8.5, ASI2600MC, guiding scope 50x180 with ASI290MM
Exposure: 12x180s with darks, bias, flats, darkflats and binning 2x2
Software: SharpCap, ASIStudio, N.I.N.A., PHD2, Stellarium, Astro Pixel Processor, CS4, DeNoise AI